Lost Drifter
Well-known member
Do you know if this will be the last DLC?
Do you know if this will be the last DLC?
Lost Drifter said:More Aria = DREAM COME TRUE
Do you know if this will be the last DLC?
Mr Hermit said:i spent 100s of hours in the ME games...
the journey was amazing for a game...
the ending left a bad taste in my mouth that resonated through all my fond memory's of playing mass effect to the point were i would say that playing it seems almost pointless and nothing really mattered at all if we were just going to get the same rushed ending that looks like it was thought up in the last 5minutes...
the indoctrination has to be true... not only is the evidence for it huge but if it isn't true then that means that the ending really was the ****** one we got..
Mr Hermit said:i spent 100s of hours in the ME games...
the journey was amazing for a game...
the ending left a bad taste in my mouth that resonated through all my fond memory's of playing mass effect to the point were i would say that playing it seems almost pointless and nothing really mattered at all if we were just going to get the same rushed ending that looks like it was thought up in the last 5minutes...
the indoctrination has to be true... not only is the evidence for it huge but if it isn't true then that means that the ending really was the ****** one we got..
edgecrusher said:if you want a good article that explains it well.... http://galacticpillow.com/2012/04/0...a-different-take-on-the-mass-effect-3-ending/
that article is the most logical thing anyone has ever said about the ending... BY FAR. though the game could have explained it better if thats truly what it was going for. the extended cut and leviathan DLC basically explain things in a way that is exactly what the author of that article say.
edgecrusher said:the thing i never understood is, why do so many people think indoctrination is better? if its true, then the story ended without us knowing anything. we dont know why the reapers are doing this or who made them and where they came from. we also have no idea if the reapers were defeated afterwards or not. that is the most depressing ending ever. it also means the writers released DLC in an effort to explain things that is basically a bunch of lies.
edgecrusher said:regardless of what anyone says, the enemy is advanced "beyond our comprehension" and controls the very evolution of all life in the galaxy. thats how its always been and it was explained in the first game. im not saying a battle shouldn't have taken place at the end that reflected who we recruited, but expecting "conventional victory" makes no sense considering what the enemy is and how they operate. it makes me question how many people actually played the first game. the first game established the enemy and what they were doing, the second game revealed nothing significantly new about the enemy, so it happened at the end of the third game. the enemy is responsible for our very existence.
edgecrusher said:if people wanted typical "good vs evil" why are they playing mass effect? it has never been like that. its about making moral choices. why would they abandon something the series founded itself on at the very end of the story?
it made alot of sense after reading that explanation and cleared up the confusion i had with the story..edgecrusher said:as far as the actual story goes, its like most people put about 2 seconds of thought into it and then cried BS because they couldnt defeat the reapers even though their is in fact an option to destroy them
edgecrusher said:i cant say i am defending the original ending because it was so unnecessarily vague that look at the conclusions that people jumped to. i wasnt as upset as most people because i like when things make me think but, i thought it was TOO vague. i was more confused than anything else. i think its fair to say the game was rushed, likely due to EA. couple that with the fact that bioware outright said that indoctrination was originally going to play a part in the story, but then they cut it. to me, its clear they left some traces in, probably again due to time constraints.
because eventually it would be a pretty crowded galaxyedgecrusher said:the thing i do not understand is, if the catalyst can control the galaxy with indoctrination... why not just do that?
edgecrusher said:why the cycles
edgecrusher said:why preserve life in reaper form
edgecrusher said:why do this to hold the galaxy over for something else? why give the galaxy the mass relays and allow them to travel to each other when without them they could not have meaning that it could just control each individual species as they develop? that would be so much easier than giving them the technology to spread out and eventually create something(crucible) that could then defeat it. it just makes no sense. if it felt the solution it was as easy as controlling the species, why not just do that instead?
edgecrusher said:also, it has nothing to gain from this, so why would it do any of this?
edgecrusher said:and when it comes to machines, they are tools. thats why they are made. by definition thats what a machine is. so no matter how much it may seem like indoctrination is what the catalysts endgame is, it just makes no sense to assume it is. i have yet to see anyone give a reasonable explanation for that. if it is all indoctrination and the catalyst is some malevolent lying machine... why? whats its endgame?
can you really blame people for thinking that it wasn't the real ending?edgecrusher said:the only reason people seem to want this is so they can "win" the game in traditional fashion. not everything is as simple as shooting something to death. its just... ugh
edgecrusher said:thats why i say people put like 2 seconds of thought into this and then cried BS. it drives me crazy, lol. im just SO GLAD that this wasnt as simple as that because the rest of the game never was. its always been about moral choices and the themes presented in this are way more than some typical "good vs evil" story.
edgecrusher said:the overall story i had no real issues with, especially since we got logical explanations that are similar to what i was originally thinking. my main issue is that the final combat portion of the game is the same as many of the previous missions in the game, only longer. fighting reaper ground forces with two squad mates. thats it. that is incredibly anti climactic and underwhelming. why bother having so much emphasis on recruiting all these characters and allies if im not going to get to see them in action.
the conduit made no sense at all..edgecrusher said:i think that an epic final battle shouldnt have been to defeat the reapers, but to make it to the conduit. thats the one thing that keeps this game/story from being what i was expecting/hoping it would be. THAT is something i would pay for. an extended version of that final mission.
edgecrusher said:also, if you havent played the citadel DLC i highly recommend it. that gives us the character interaction i think we were all hoping for that the original game didnt give us. i loved it.