The most beautiful woman i’d ever seen

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Hazed said:
As it should be. Do you feel like you've wasted your shot?


I made a decision to marry a woman, I was 42 years old before I got married.

I live and die by that decision.

Like all marriages, no marriage is perfect.

I do the best with the hand that was dealt, and it was a piss poor hand. Believe me.

Walking into a marriage and straight into a heart attack,.

That takes some doing.
Hazed said:
I understand, respect, dude.

I’m trying to make points to you here.

My marriage is a busted flush.

It’s your marriage, your relationships, your love, your sex life that is relevant.

Don’t look at what i’ve done in life as some sort of marker for your life.

But understand the points I’m trying to make then apply.

Never have sex before marriage!, never have sex before marriage!.


Because marriage is sexual union.

Love is post marriage, POST marriage.
I know, i know, i haven't said that i'd be doing that and i wasn't planning to. I got my own plan. I just appreciate your character.
Love is post marriage, POST marriage.

I can’t emphasise that enough.

The reasons I married Fiona Brady Beck.

Who cares.

SHE’S MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

True story....

Lots of stories.....

All true

I have a step sister

She got married, the marriage lasted about ten years, then she met someone else, got divorced and married a second man.

The second marriage lasted about ten years, then she met a man, got divorced and now she’s living with this third man in a Essex (unmarried).

I said to my brother, what the **** is going on here?. With that bloody step sister of ours, she was always a bit of a one.

He’s said ‘well she went of the a do, met someone and as soon as she clapped eyes on him, it was love at first sight, imagine that!, imagine meeting someone and it was love at first sight!’


Here’s the real funny part, my brother is a lay preacher in the Methodist church, and conducts weddings!.
The only purpose a man has in life is take the money home and provide for his wife and family. Well and shag his wife senseless.

If I divorce my wife for the millions!.

Well there’s no point because in the very act of divorcing her there is no wife and family.

I partly married a woman for the millions!, but the millions were only relevant whilst I had a wife and family.

There is no point to money anymore.
I gave up following this a while ago. 
So now I just nod and say yes. 😋
Besides, don’t need to know it all. 
Sometimes just being the one that reads it is enough.
Danielle said:
I am so confused.....

Because you don’t know the bible.

I was confused when I seperated from my wife, I hadn’t got a clue what I was go to do.

One day there was a knock at the door.

It was the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Carrying the bible.

I thought well I got married in church, the bible, I don’t what to do, so I’ll let god decide.

And ran off to Jehovah’s Witnesses for two, faded, but still studied the bible.

I’m no longer confused. Not in the slightest.

I’m no longer confused about anything.

But saying that, it’s going to do me fcuk good in life.
I have studied sex, money, marriage, masturbation, pornography, love, family.

Every aspect to life for 5 years, done nothing else, for 5 years. Done nothing else. In a biblical context.

There absolutely no confusion in my mind on any of these matters.

Jesus on donkey?, well if he got off the donkey and got in sixty nine with it I could see the relevance, but really?
My whole life principally has been in conflict.

In every relationship I’ve been in, there are two things, sex and love, marriage is a sexual union, be under no doubt about that, but as soon as you marry someone, you have to love someone, the minute I married my wife I had to love her, not a minute before.

The minute you marry someone, you are always in conflict, between sex and love.

It not for me say how you address that conflict, the marriage bed is undefilled.

I cannot address the conflict, but I know it exists. At least I know it exists, in fact I’ve always known it exists.
In the UK there are 500,000 (half a million) reported sexual assaults every year.

If people stopped with this love ****!, focused on this sort of ****, half a million sexual assaults every year, saw marriage as sexual union.

It would clear a lot of this **** up.

And in many ways, at its core, that is the sole purpose of marriage.

But you’re in love, when you met someone, fireworks went off, Jupiter collected with mars, a bunny rabbit come along and saw the love. 10 years later the same thing happened. Well then 5 years after. Well then there woman down the nightclub, that was just sex, you love your wife.
One day, assuming I don’t die beforehand, there will a message on Facebook, that message will represent millions!, I will walk into a solicitors and he will hand me a cheque for millions!, I will tear the cheque up and tell him to go **** himself and say and do me favour tell my three step children to go **** themselves aswell.
The minute I make a move against my wife.

I have told people this, everyone!, everyone!.

The minute I do it!

No one is safe.

Rosie isn’t safe!

My family isn’t safe!

A prostitute that walks the streets isn’t safe.

My step children aren’t safe.

The companies that I work as a financial director aren’t safe.

Everyone who reads this forum aren’t safe.

I then set a massive precedent.

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