ugly worthless and unloveable

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PieBeNice said:
Spending YEARS looking at pics of shirtless guys doesn't count as studying human attraction.

Also, staring at himself in the mirror and wishing he was less ugly doesn't count either.

Sorry Eve, didn't see ya there (wary)
It is completely useless to be told by others that you aren't ugly if you aren't going to believe it! I know this from personal experience and the only thing you can do is learn to love yourself. It sucks, but it's possible. One thing I was taught to do is to make daily lists of self-affirmations. If you can grow to the point where you begin telling yourself things you like about yourself in the mirror every day, it truly does help. Telling yourself something positive even if you don't believe it helps you to start to believe more and more good things about yourself. =] You are loved.
wow I pop in after months because I'm in the midst of a crash and get to read this on my post. Not that Luck is wrong about how I look but yikes. I'm already married so finding someone is not the issue it's my own body image and comments i get from others. I just can't accept looking so . . .yuck. It's been said a thousand times on here not looking for answers some wierd sense of relief to say what's in my head. I'm ugly ugly ugly ewww gross yuck :) have to let that out sometimes.

A local support group would be awsome.

LUCK said:
Mostly people who are attractive. If you are a 10/10 it is very possible that 7/10 will repulse you because you know they are so much below you.

Ya know what.... I don't even know what you look like and sorry honey, but you are ugly as ****.
Yeah, despite giving guy a pity party, I gave him LEGIT advice that will MAKE HIM MORE ATTRACTIVE and IMPROVE HIS CHANCES to GET A PARTNER.

He is married and probably gets laid a lot more than you do... moron.

And mrmosaic, you are a grown man and you gotta seriously pull your **** together. You're probably bringing your wife down with your depression and hurting your marriage for no reason. You come here to complain for nothing. If you are so depressed now, how would you feel if you had a birth defect, such as down syndrome and actually did look very ugly (and mentally handicapped) like this guy below. There are millions of people who have to live with birth defects and who become disfigured from accidents. Be grateful and appreciate the life you have with your wife. You can lose everything you have in any moment, and when you do, then it will be too late to appreciate and enjoy the life you had.

mrmosaic said:
Though I'm married I've never been able to shake feeling unworthy of love. I'm so ashamed of who I am. Been on antidepression meds for a few years but it's just not doing enough. Hate being the ugliest person in every room I walk into.

Christ ! Nothing wrong with you at all !

You want to see me !

In photographs I look so bad, so shocking (I'm talking beyond !) - that I refuse to have my photgraph taken. I also try not to look in the mirror or windows where I can see my reflection.

But I get on with it, I don't think it's in my head either.

I try to dress well and keep fit and work on having the nicest personality I can !

But no, nothing wrong with your looks.

dude, you ain't no Brad Pitt, but you are not ugly.

maybe if you want to improve your looks, you could have like a makeover, shave your beard, a better haircut... but i agree with the first posts, this seems like a deeper problem, that you probably should discuss in therapy.
Stop living in denial....

Yes, yes..the general populations are going to look OK in general.
You can lose wieght or do make overs...etc..etc.

Even in racial. Even though I'm asain and there's biggotry that surrounds that.
I'm still realitively a good looking dude even for an asain. That's why chicks asked me
out or come on to me lots. i dont have to work as hard getting women...thats forsure.
Yes...Ive ****** my brians out thousands upon thousands of times.
Been married, been in plenty of relationships. Ive had girls come on to me since i was a kid playing in the sand box..FFS.
Of course that's going to effect or boost my selfesteem without me having to work at it.

And yes, I've seen chicks with that been beaten by an ugly stick with a husband and versa.

But they are those that just aint going to fit into the you look OK section.
It's like this....I met a chick through another chick that's super model.

Obviously the chick that hot looking have had plenty of men chased
it fills the fucken void ands she's not wondering or having to think about her self image
or esteem as much.

Will..this chick is like 300 +LB with minor down syndrom.
She seems to be happy or OK becuase of her down sydrom.
At most she has a mentality of a 5 yr old.

We didnt really wanna talk about her love life of course.
Didnt wanna go there and **** her up.
There's not going to be lines of guys waiting to ask her out thats for sure.
yes..yes her friend can be supportive and tell her kind things
so she dosent wanna hang herself...
But I'm pretty sure if you talk to her on a personal level..she
would like to have a BF just like any other girls and feels a bit
lonely in the love/romance department.

Which still gose to show..just becuase someone is good looking dosnt necessary mean they're mean or heartless.
mrmosaic said:
wow I pop in after months because I'm in the midst of a crash and get to read this on my post. Not that Luck is wrong about how I look (...)

Oh, hell to the no! Luck is completely, utterly, totally dead WRONG. Not only is he/she dead wrong, they're also mean, unsensitive and rude. Don't you dare listen to that nonsense, you hear?

You may not be a super model (and truth be told, not even super models are actually super models; they're a product of photoshop), but you look absolutely fine, and I'm not saying that just to be nice.

There's no objective answer as to what makes "good looks" and "bad looks". You have personal, subjective opinions, and you have the opinion created by media (slim, fit, tanned, whatever). 60 years ago, the ideal size for a woman was 42/44 (e.g. Marilyn Monroe). Now it's 36. Along the way, Someone™ has decided that women should be almost anorectic in order to look pretty (ref. today's models). Most normal, reflected people, however, don't agree with this (thank goodness), but they still strive to reach that constructed model image. It's sad, really.

But I digress. My point is that, judging from the opinions uttered by all the intelligent, reflected people on this forum, you're not ugly. That you perceive yourself as ugly is a different matter, and indicates some issues that you're hopefully already working on. I know very well where you're coming from, as I've recently been diagnosed with depression myself, had a huge crash this summer, and despise the way I look (mainly because of my weight). I rarely believe it when friends tell me that I look fine, or that I'm pretty, even. I try to tell myself, however, that it's all in my head, that I'm not actually as bad looking as I think, and that I am my own worst critic. Remembering this sometimes makes it easier.

And by the way, if you're still on those meds that aren't really doing much good, talk to you psychiatrist and try a something else. Being on meds that doesn't work is pointless.

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