Well-known member
Listening to people talk while browsing the forum. I should do something productive.
Capitalism isn't the best system we got. It's the easiest and least damaging we got so farShould be applying for jobs.
Am watching YouTube videos critiquing capitalism instead, as well as breaking down topics like mass shootings and the increase of fascism in America these last few years.
The thing is, the stuff is thought-provoking, and I'm realizing that even before I knew words like capitalism, socialism, dominance hierarchies, competition, stuff like that...I was always instinctively anti-hierarchy, pro-democracy. I've always been against "the power", even as a kid. I've always been more of an idealist rather than just accepting "the way it is", cause it's like, why is this "the way it is"? Why can't we do it better or at least differently?
And if capitalism is truly the best system ever, then why does it always feel the need to resort to playing dirty to make sure it wins?
If it is truly the best, shouldn't it win naturally, on its own virtues, without doing anything outside of that?
When I think about it, capitalism seems to take everything that I felt I grew up as being taught as "good", "right", "nice", and does the opposite. It seems to be the bully philosophy.
I guess I've always been a rebel in my own way.