what are you doing right now, and what should you be doing instead?

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Listening to people talk while browsing the forum. I should do something productive.
I still don't feel too well and just want to stay right here and do nothing but read, which is what I'm doing now. I should be at my cousin's birthday thing. They've called and tried sending someone to get me. I really ought to go though. But I'm not looking forward to seeing one of them specifically.
I'm sitting feeling sorry for myself and considering consuming my own body weight in ice cream.

Oh, and I should be eating my own bodyweight in ice cream already...
Catching up on forum, though I suppose sleep should hunt me down soon.
I should be rich in a nice castle on a snow-covered mountain top making plans for world domination in order to rid the planet of nuclear weapons.
Sorting papers, should be sleeping.
I am scrolling through social media feeling sorry for myself, instead of peeling potatoes.
Should be applying for jobs.

Am watching YouTube videos critiquing capitalism instead, as well as breaking down topics like mass shootings and the increase of fascism in America these last few years.

The thing is, the stuff is thought-provoking, and I'm realizing that even before I knew words like capitalism, socialism, dominance hierarchies, competition, stuff like that...I was always instinctively anti-hierarchy, pro-democracy. I've always been against "the power", even as a kid. I've always been more of an idealist rather than just accepting "the way it is", cause it's like, why is this "the way it is"? Why can't we do it better or at least differently?

And if capitalism is truly the best system ever, then why does it always feel the need to resort to playing dirty to make sure it wins?
If it is truly the best, shouldn't it win naturally, on its own virtues, without doing anything outside of that?
When I think about it, capitalism seems to take everything that I felt I grew up as being taught as "good", "right", "nice", and does the opposite. It seems to be the bully philosophy.

I guess I've always been a rebel in my own way.
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I'm watching Walking Dead, finally starting the last season, but...I really should be sleeping since I get up at 4:30 to work tomorrow.
Should be applying for jobs.

Am watching YouTube videos critiquing capitalism instead, as well as breaking down topics like mass shootings and the increase of fascism in America these last few years.

The thing is, the stuff is thought-provoking, and I'm realizing that even before I knew words like capitalism, socialism, dominance hierarchies, competition, stuff like that...I was always instinctively anti-hierarchy, pro-democracy. I've always been against "the power", even as a kid. I've always been more of an idealist rather than just accepting "the way it is", cause it's like, why is this "the way it is"? Why can't we do it better or at least differently?

And if capitalism is truly the best system ever, then why does it always feel the need to resort to playing dirty to make sure it wins?
If it is truly the best, shouldn't it win naturally, on its own virtues, without doing anything outside of that?
When I think about it, capitalism seems to take everything that I felt I grew up as being taught as "good", "right", "nice", and does the opposite. It seems to be the bully philosophy.

I guess I've always been a rebel in my own way.
Capitalism isn't the best system we got. It's the easiest and least damaging we got so far
You know, there's an old joke from a Quebec humor group called the Cynics from the 70's 80's that really expresses my views quiet well on those broad economics strokes. They were young university educated kids at the time.

What's the difference between Capitalism and Communism?
Capitalism is the exploitation of Man by Man.
And Communism?
It's the opposite...

Both end results of either system ends in dictatorship. Either the divy up results in repressive govs, like we've seen in Russia or China in the case of Communisn, or all the money ends up in excessively little hands while most of the population goes hungry, as we're seeing in Capitalism.
The best system doesn't yet exist. We're just going through as best we can. Eventually though, the world will change. Either system will stop working, we'll have to figure out something new. Just like most monarchies, like REAL monarchies that used to exist 1000 years from now, have disappeared completely or almost.

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