Could you share the recipe for it? I've used barley in stews before, but more as a thickener. I love the texture it adds, it's silly but it also makes me feel like a medieval peasant eating a hearty meal after a hard days work as well (just ignore the tomatoes I add that they wouldn't have had at the time).
I made a large pot, so this is what I used:
about 2 lbs of beef chunks (I have also used hamburger in the past, it's just as good)
1 white onion
a frozen mix of veggies (this one was cut specifically for soups, with celery, carrots, turnip, and peas)
9 cups of beef broth
2 cubes of beef bouillon
half a bag of barley (around 1 cup I think)
Italian seasoning (a generous amount)
salt and pepper to taste
2 bay leaves
olive oil
I browned the meat, in a bit of olive oil. Once done, I removed from pot, then sauteed the onions and veggies in some more olive oil. Then I added the broth, bouillon, and spices. Brought all of this to a simmer, and then added the barley. After the barley was cooked, I added the meat, and then left on a low simmer for half hour or so.
I don't own a crock pot, but I would definitely throw this all into one and leave all day if I could.