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johnny196775 said:
i would like to thank LF for being so nice. Thanks you LF. :)

No reason for me not to be nice to someone like you. Thanks for being nice to me yourself. :)

Ymir said:
I am so tired of being sick )))): I just want to eat nice stuff without spending 8+ hours in pain afterwards. I'll have to live with this my whole life god damn ittttttttt.

Ugh I feel you, Ymir. Hope you will be able to tolerate it well over time - stay strong. *hugs*
I remember the last time I accidentally put my shoes on the wrong way, do YOU?
VeganAtheist said:
I wish life had a pause button.

You and me both. I went out biking tonight and saw packs of kids riding around on bikes, parents and little tykes out in the parks and it just made me wonder how I got so old so fast. There is so much time I wish I could get back, so much I wish I could do over again differently. I wish I could go back to a time when I was free to just soak up things and use my imagination, instead of being under constant pressure 24/7 with everything revolving around money. I can't remember the last time I was truly joyful - "meh" seems to be as high as things get now that I'm an adult, and "bad" is the new usual. Sometimes I worry that I'm too far gone to salvage my life now, that there's not enough time to do the things I want to, go to the places I want to go, be the person I want to be. That at the very best case, all I'll do is just get some average job and sink into a cycle of work, couch/video games, and drinking on the weekend because it's just too late to get good at anything and make a life out of it. Rinse. Wash. Repeat. And die. I just wish I could do my life over again. I didn't chase a dream or get really interested in anything when I was younger, didn't make the most of college, didn't get good at anything, finally met girls who excited me but because I hadn't been making much of myself I was woefully unprepared and couldn't hold their interest. I look back and realize I completely screwed up my life, and I didn't even do crime or hard drugs or anything like that. I just spent too much time believing that I couldn't be anything better than ordinary and now it's come true. I wish I could become someone else, it saddens me and I hate that I'm even saying it.
hoping to unwind soon, feeling frustrated, & thinking enough is enough *please* change already!
TheSkaFish said:
VeganAtheist said:
I wish life had a pause button.

You and me both. I went out biking tonight and saw packs of kids riding around on bikes, parents and little tykes out in the parks and it just made me wonder how I got so old so fast. There is so much time I wish I could get back, so much I wish I could do over again differently. I wish I could go back to a time when I was free to just soak up things and use my imagination, instead of being under constant pressure 24/7 with everything revolving around money. I can't remember the last time I was truly joyful - "meh" seems to be as high as things get now that I'm an adult, and "bad" is the new usual. Sometimes I worry that I'm too far gone to salvage my life now, that there's not enough time to do the things I want to, go to the places I want to go, be the person I want to be. That at the very best case, all I'll do is just get some average job and sink into a cycle of work, couch/video games, and drinking on the weekend because it's just too late to get good at anything and make a life out of it. Rinse. Wash. Repeat. And die. I just wish I could do my life over again. I didn't chase a dream or get really interested in anything when I was younger, didn't make the most of college, didn't get good at anything, finally met girls who excited me but because I hadn't been making much of myself I was woefully unprepared and couldn't hold their interest. I look back and realize I completely screwed up my life, and I didn't even do crime or hard drugs or anything like that. I just spent too much time believing that I couldn't be anything better than ordinary and now it's come true. I wish I could become someone else, it saddens me and I hate that I'm even saying it.

Although it seems to be running at a slugs pace, life moves pretty fast and waits for no one, unfortunately. I am not one of those happy/cheery people who will tell you that "Everything will be great if you have a positive attitude" or "You can accomplish your dreams if you work really hard for it" or some other happy ********. Life is tough. If you work hard, you might accomplish some of your goals. You might be able to find a nice lady with whom you respect, and love. You might be able to make a respectable amount of money. Might. Maybe. Possibly.

If you can find the motivation, I say go for it. Hell, if life is **** right now, you don't have much to lose. Hard to fall off the ladder when you are still on the bottom rung.

Note: I am a glass half full kinda guy. Unfortunately, the glass is full of poison. Sip it slow.
VeganAtheist said:
Although it seems to be running at a slugs pace, life moves pretty fast and waits for no one, unfortunately. I am not one of those happy/cheery people who will tell you that "Everything will be great if you have a positive attitude" or "You can accomplish your dreams if you work really hard for it" or some other happy ********. Life is tough. If you work hard, you might accomplish some of your goals. You might be able to find a nice lady with whom you respect, and love. You might be able to make a respectable amount of money. Might. Maybe. Possibly.

If you can find the motivation, I say go for it. Hell, if life is **** right now, you don't have much to lose. Hard to fall off the ladder when you are still on the bottom rung.

Note: I am a glass half full kinda guy. Unfortunately, the glass is full of poison. Sip it slow.

I mean, the whole reason that I'm in this rut is because I went my whole life believing I couldn't be anything in the first place. I didn't have dreams growing up. I just thought I'd get some boring job that lets me be reasonably comfortable, then just come home at night and play video games and call it a life. That's what I thought people did, that's what school was - hours of boredom doing things I didn't care about, then going home and trying to salvage the day. I thought that's just what life was and I thought that you had to be born special in order to actually do something exciting with your life. But these past couple of years I've realized that I don't want to be a nothing after all - but now, I have a lot less time to change that.

I guess I just have to keep going, since the alternative is no good at all. I wish I could get just one more thing to go my way, then I might just be able to pick up a little speed.
All these amazing people i used to know, and how i scared them away unintentionally. Focussing on all that negative stuff. How i can't properly communicate without someone getting upset. Wether that person is the other or me. How i want to be left alone, but am still posting here, so i apparently require some sort of attention.

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