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johnny196775Again said:
She-ra said:
Mouse said:
PenDragon said:
Mouse said:
I'm feeling very sick right now

Take care of your health, Mouse. Okay?

*Dragon hug*

I'm taking leave of the forum for a while. I can't come here when feeling so sick. And I am sick of pathetic retard forum bullies with loser attitudes. :(

*Gentle Mouse Hug*

I hope you don't leave I like your posts. I understand if you feel sick, just a little break perhaps? Please please report the bully, its helps the mods keep this place great.

yes. Do report this bullie.

I hope she does. Bullies are down right disgusting specimens of society and it needs stomping out.
Mouse said:
PenDragon said:
Mouse said:
I'm feeling very sick right now

Take care of your health, Mouse. Okay?

*Dragon hug*

I'm taking leave of the forum for a while. I can't come here when feeling so sick. And I am sick of pathetic retard forum bullies with loser attitudes. :(

*Gentle Mouse Hug*

I am autistic. I find the word 'retard' to be very hurtful. You are evidently the bully here...

Bigots who use words like retard deserve to be lonely in my opinion.

I am very glad you are leaving.

don't let the door hit you on the way out.
If two people have a missunderstanding and one is just not willing to except that it is a missunderstaning where do you go from there?
I will not tolerate being bullied on the forum. I may stay, but for the time being will be taking a break.
chris girard said:
I am autistic. I find the word 'retard' to be very hurtful. You are evidently the bully here...

Bigots who use words like retard deserve to be lonely in my opinion.

I am very glad you are leaving.

don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Woah...ain't that a bit harsh? I know the R-word is not a nice thing to say but most people are simply not aware of the offensive notion cause it's used so colloquially.

But maybe I just missed some hidden argument here and that was just the topping on the cake, I don't know. Just saying...
I agree with Rodent... This was harsh Chris G.

Rodent said:
chris girard said:
I am autistic. I find the word 'retard' to be very hurtful. You are evidently the bully here...

Bigots who use words like retard deserve to be lonely in my opinion.

I am very glad you are leaving.

don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Woah...ain't that a bit harsh? I know the R-word is not a nice thing to say but most people are simply not aware of the offensive notion cause it's used so colloquially.

But maybe I just missed some hidden argument here and that was just the topping on the cake, I don't know. Just saying...
I notice some people think I have been harsh. That is always the case when a minority speaks up for themselves. It is an intensely ignorant response. Blame the victim.

History always judges such people poorly.
chris girard said:
I notice some people think I have been harsh. That is always the case when a minority speaks up for themselves. It is an intensely ignorant response. Blame the victim.

History always judges such people poorly.

Now you're just being dramatic. And you're playing the minority card on top of that, sir. I was willing to approach you as a fellow human, not just a representative of a minority. And as a fellow human, you should realize that demonizing somebody solely based on the misuse of a word is just plain immature and makes you look like an opinionated bigot yourself. Even more since the person already apologized for the thoughtless use of the R-word.

Can't we all just get along? Sigh...guess not.
Rodent said:
chris girard said:
I notice some people think I have been harsh. That is always the case when a minority speaks up for themselves. It is an intensely ignorant response. Blame the victim.

History always judges such people poorly.

Now you're just being dramatic. And you're playing the minority card on top of that, sir. I was willing to approach you as a fellow human, not just a representative of a minority. And as a fellow human, you should realize that demonizing somebody solely based on the misuse of a word is just plain immature and makes you look like an opinionated bigot yourself. Even more since the person already apologized for the thoughtless use of the R-word.

Can't we all just get along? Sigh...guess not.

I have seen your posts... Your homophobia is a nearly tacit counterpoint to many of them, but loud enough that I have no respect for your opinion in any event... :D
chris girard said:
Rodent said:
chris girard said:
I notice some people think I have been harsh. That is always the case when a minority speaks up for themselves. It is an intensely ignorant response. Blame the victim.

History always judges such people poorly.

Now you're just being dramatic. And you're playing the minority card on top of that, sir. I was willing to approach you as a fellow human, not just a representative of a minority. And as a fellow human, you should realize that demonizing somebody solely based on the misuse of a word is just plain immature and makes you look like an opinionated bigot yourself. Even more since the person already apologized for the thoughtless use of the R-word.

Can't we all just get along? Sigh...guess not.

I have seen your posts... Your homophobia is a nearly tacit counterpoint to many of them, but loud enough that I have no respect for your opinion in any event... :D

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Either I'm suffering from severe dementia - which is unlikely - or you severely misinterpreted my posts.

Ask any person around here and they would tell you that I don't give a damn what sexual orientation/identity a person has as long as he or she is a reasonable individual.
Rodent said:
chris girard said:
Rodent said:
chris girard said:
I notice some people think I have been harsh. That is always the case when a minority speaks up for themselves. It is an intensely ignorant response. Blame the victim.

History always judges such people poorly.

Now you're just being dramatic. And you're playing the minority card on top of that, sir. I was willing to approach you as a fellow human, not just a representative of a minority. And as a fellow human, you should realize that demonizing somebody solely based on the misuse of a word is just plain immature and makes you look like an opinionated bigot yourself. Even more since the person already apologized for the thoughtless use of the R-word.

Can't we all just get along? Sigh...guess not.

I have seen your posts... Your homophobia is a nearly tacit counterpoint to many of them, but loud enough that I have no respect for your opinion in any event... :D

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Either I'm suffering from severe dementia - which is unlikely - or you severely misinterpreted my posts.

Ask any person around here and they would tell you that I don't give a damn what sexual orientation/identity a person has as long as he or she is a reasonable individual.

Normally I would ignore your response, but something tells me this time I may be mistaken. I am new to this forum. I am active on other forums... It is possible I have made a mistake. I will check your posts, and if I can not support the above statement, I will retract it with regrets.

Please give me some time to do so and in the interim, pardon me if I have been hasty in this most foul accusation.
chris girard said:
Rodent said:
chris girard said:
Rodent said:
chris girard said:
I notice some people think I have been harsh. That is always the case when a minority speaks up for themselves. It is an intensely ignorant response. Blame the victim.

History always judges such people poorly.

Now you're just being dramatic. And you're playing the minority card on top of that, sir. I was willing to approach you as a fellow human, not just a representative of a minority. And as a fellow human, you should realize that demonizing somebody solely based on the misuse of a word is just plain immature and makes you look like an opinionated bigot yourself. Even more since the person already apologized for the thoughtless use of the R-word.

Can't we all just get along? Sigh...guess not.

I have seen your posts... Your homophobia is a nearly tacit counterpoint to many of them, but loud enough that I have no respect for your opinion in any event... :D

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Either I'm suffering from severe dementia - which is unlikely - or you severely misinterpreted my posts.

Ask any person around here and they would tell you that I don't give a damn what sexual orientation/identity a person has as long as he or she is a reasonable individual.

Normally I would ignore your response, but something tells me this time I may be mistaken. I am new to this forum. I am active on other forums... It is possible I have made a mistake. I will check your posts, and if I can not support the above statement, I will retract it with regrets.

Please give me some time to do so and in the interim, pardon me if I have been hasty in this most foul accusation.

Since you are being reasonable, I'll grant you the time.

Suffice to say, I can only imagine a single one of my recent posts to be misinterpreted that horrendously. And that one was actually poking fun at all homophobiacs and my strict intolerance policy towards these kinda people.
Rodent said:
chris girard said:
Rodent said:
chris girard said:
Rodent said:
Now you're just being dramatic. And you're playing the minority card on top of that, sir. I was willing to approach you as a fellow human, not just a representative of a minority. And as a fellow human, you should realize that demonizing somebody solely based on the misuse of a word is just plain immature and makes you look like an opinionated bigot yourself. Even more since the person already apologized for the thoughtless use of the R-word.

Can't we all just get along? Sigh...guess not.

I have seen your posts... Your homophobia is a nearly tacit counterpoint to many of them, but loud enough that I have no respect for your opinion in any event... :D

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Either I'm suffering from severe dementia - which is unlikely - or you severely misinterpreted my posts.

Ask any person around here and they would tell you that I don't give a damn what sexual orientation/identity a person has as long as he or she is a reasonable individual.

Normally I would ignore your response, but something tells me this time I may be mistaken. I am new to this forum. I am active on other forums... It is possible I have made a mistake. I will check your posts, and if I can not support the above statement, I will retract it with regrets.

Please give me some time to do so and in the interim, pardon me if I have been hasty in this most foul accusation.

Since you are being reasonable, I'll grant you the time.

Suffice to say, I can only imagine a single one of my recent posts to be misinterpreted that horrendously. And that one was actually poking fun at all homophobiacs and my strict intolerance policy towards these kinda people.

I am looking through your posts and I have to agree... I have been an idiot. Please excuse me for this totally unwarranted and uncalled for accusation. I have never felt so gratified at being wrong before. Please excuse me. I have no excuse whatsoever. I should have double checked and made certain of my facts BEFORE I made such an unfair accusation, rather than make an inevitably inadequate apology after the fact. I can only hope you can forgive this error on my part.
This leaves me in the position that I do sincerely care about your opinion. I do feel I should respond to the point I avoided earlier with the accusation of homophobia....
You said that demonizing a person solely on the misuse of a word is immature and bigoted? Do you want to explain that? If the word had been 'queer,' '******,' '****,' etc.. would you feel the same? I do not like people who use bigoted language... no matter what minority they are attacking... I do not like them now or ever again. That is my prerogative....How is that bigoted?
I feel the accusation of being immature is an unconscious attack on my autism.. You are perhaps unaware that we are called children in adult bodies? I am often accused of being immature... I can't help it. I am disabled. Trying to tell me to be mature is like yelling at a deaf person to 'listen up.'
chris girard said:
I am looking through your posts and I have to agree... I have been an idiot. Please excuse me for this totally unwarranted and uncalled for accusation. I have never felt so gratified at being wrong before. Please excuse me. I have no excuse whatsoever. I should have double checked and made certain of my facts BEFORE I made such an unfair accusation, rather than make an inevitably inadequate apology after the fact. I can only hope you can forgive this error on my part.
This leaves me in the position that I do sincerely care about your opinion. I do feel I should respond to the point I avoided earlier with the accusation of homophobia....
You said that demonizing a person solely on the misuse of a word is immature and bigoted? Do you want to explain that? If the word had been 'queer,' '******,' '****,' etc.. would you feel the same? I do not like people who use bigoted language... no matter what minority they are attacking... I do not like them now or ever again. That is my prerogative....How is that bigoted?
I feel the accusation of being immature is an unconscious attack on my autism.. You are perhaps unaware that we are called children in adult bodies? I am often accused of being immature... I can't help it. I am disabled. Trying to tell me to be mature is like yelling at a deaf person to 'listen up.'

I accept your apology. No harm done. I'm glad we could settle that peacefully and reasonably.

Back to the original topic, I'd say it depends on the word and the person using it. Right here I had the feeling Mouse wasn't using the R-word consciously and with the intent of insulting anybody.

But when I notice the person is obviously using a word as a conscious slur and insult and is not willing to be educated on its meaning, all reason is lost of course. You just have to talk to people to find out sometimes...words like queer, retard, ******, ****** and so on are obviously insults to the majority of us but some simply grew up in an environment where these terms where used so naturally that people became ignorant to the negative connotion.

But ignorance is not an irreversible condition. Not always at least. So the first rule of the game stays "Educate, don't demonize" for me. If everything fails...you can still follow your no-tolerance-for-intolerance policy.

I was unaware of the "children in adults' bodies" metaphor. You have to believe me that I had no intention of attacking your autism in any way. But your attack seemed indeed hasty and immature to me. I don't know about the gravity of your condition but even as an autist, you will be held responsible for your words and actions to some degree. People will be more tolerable once they know about your condition of course...but again, they need to be educated about it beforehand. And I'm certainly willing to be educated.

In return, you have to excuse me. The only thing that truly is a thorn in my side is unreason in humans and this is something I am very strict about.
Rodent said:
chris girard said:
I am looking through your posts and I have to agree... I have been an idiot. Please excuse me for this totally unwarranted and uncalled for accusation. I have never felt so gratified at being wrong before. Please excuse me. I have no excuse whatsoever. I should have double checked and made certain of my facts BEFORE I made such an unfair accusation, rather than make an inevitably inadequate apology after the fact. I can only hope you can forgive this error on my part.
This leaves me in the position that I do sincerely care about your opinion. I do feel I should respond to the point I avoided earlier with the accusation of homophobia....
You said that demonizing a person solely on the misuse of a word is immature and bigoted? Do you want to explain that? If the word had been 'queer,' '******,' '****,' etc.. would you feel the same? I do not like people who use bigoted language... no matter what minority they are attacking... I do not like them now or ever again. That is my prerogative....How is that bigoted?
I feel the accusation of being immature is an unconscious attack on my autism.. You are perhaps unaware that we are called children in adult bodies? I am often accused of being immature... I can't help it. I am disabled. Trying to tell me to be mature is like yelling at a deaf person to 'listen up.'

I accept your apology. No harm done. I'm glad we could settle that peacefully and reasonably.

Back to the original topic, I'd say it depends on the word and the person using it. Right here I had the feeling Mouse wasn't using the R-word consciously and with the intent of insulting anybody.

But when I notice the person is obviously using a word as a conscious slur and insult and is not willing to be educated on its meaning, all reason is lost of course. You just have to talk to people to find out sometimes...words like queer, retard, ******, ****** and so on are obviously insults to the majority of us but some simply grew up in an environment where these terms where used so naturally that people became ignorant to the negative connotion.

But ignorance is not an irreversible condition. Not always at least. So the first rule of the game stays "Educate, don't demonize" for me. If everything fails...you can still follow your no-tolerance-for-intolerance policy.

I was unaware of the "children in adults' bodies" metaphor. You have to believe me that I had no intention of attacking your autism in any way. But your attack seemed indeed hasty and immature to me. I don't know about the gravity of your condition but even as an autist, you will be held responsible for your words and actions to some degree. People will be more tolerable once they know about your condition of course...but again, they need to be educated about it beforehand. And I'm certainly willing to be educated.

In return, you have to excuse me. The only thing that truly is a thorn in my side is unreason in humans and this is something I am very strict about.

I understand. I do not think in any way you were consciously attacking my autism.. it is just that I have no way to respond to accusations of immaturity but to point out I really can not help it...
I would like to say though, that I have found that I don't find myself capable or responsible to educate people. Mouse, for example, has taken back that word. O.k. I still feel like the use of the word shows that mouse is the sort of person to call names rather than to be specific. I don't like people like that, so my opinion does not change.
I would like to know, and so should you, what was this supposed act of bullying? I have looked over all the recent posts and I find no bullying whatsoever that Mouse might be speaking of.. I suspect this is not what mouse portrays it to be, or there would be no reason for such vagueness...
chris girard said:
I understand. I do not think in any way you were consciously attacking my autism.. it is just that I have no way to respond to accusations of immaturity but to point out I really can not help it...
I would like to say though, that I have found that I don't find myself capable or responsible to educate people. Mouse, for example, has taken back that word. O.k. I still feel like the use of the word shows that mouse is the sort of person to call names rather than to be specific. I don't like people like that, so my opinion does not change.
I would like to know, and so should you, what was this supposed act of bullying? I have looked over all the recent posts and I find no bullying whatsoever that Mouse might be speaking of.. I suspect this is not what mouse portrays it to be, or there would be no reason for such vagueness...

In the end it's your decision and you'll have to deal with the consequences. In the grand scheme of things it means little what opinion you have of Mouse anyway and you have to ask yourself whether you gain or lose something by holding onto your opinion tightly.

To be honest, I find it difficult to educate other people as well and I rarely try to in real life because I view the majority of the population as lost causes...even my age-mates. And I just turned 23. I try to be more open on the internet though and it served me well so far. Otherwise we wouldn't be talking right now if I had dismissed your opinion right away instead of asking for the origin of your assumptions.

If you look back, you'll realize I was just as clueless about the bullying as you were...it's what I referred to as a hidden argument. Maybe something that happened within private conversation which is obviously invisible to the public eye. But this is none of our business really. If people want to be vague, it's up to them...and once again, they'll have to deal with the consequences.
I think a words meaning can change depending on the culture. In dublin we call insulting "slagging". The more you slag some one or the harsher (within reason) you slag them signifies how close you are to the other person. For instance when me or my best friend see each other we say "heya sl*t".... We can call each other that but heaven help anyone else who thought they could.

I'm wondering now how that might seem to tourists who come here and hear us laughing as we make fun of each other and ourselves in such a manner.

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