What are you feeling, hoping, thinking, or remembering right now?

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TomL said:
I'm feeling low on confidence today, doubting myself. Feeling like I'm weird and awkward and too far down that road to form a proper, significant relationship- either romantically or plutonically
It's a feeling that comes and goes, but it keeps on coming back.

Just think that the best revenge you can have on anyone who has ever tried to tear you down is to be as confident as possible.
Anyone who has tried to tear me down no longer features in any aspect of my life.
There is no one to get revenge on.
A do have days when I'm massively confident and then I fall apart. It comes and goes.
I can't place how I am feeling right now. It doesn't feel good, and it is a very strange feeling.
I experience strange, hard to pinpoint but disconcerting feelings too on a fairly regular basis. They may or may not be the same as you experience of course.

Right now I feel a familiar slogging my guts out (and feeling exhausted in doing so) just to stand still.

Combined with, not so much depression and definitely not despair, but a feeling that mentally listing the positive and negative aspects of my life right now, the latter far outweighs the former. And yet in the realisation of that, I'm thankful of a strength/stoicism that keeps me fighting and getting up every day.
I'm remembering that there is a VERY good reason why you're advised not to squat heavy without a rack or a spotter.

I'm hoping if I ever fail a rep that I manage to get out of it with no physical injury and definitely without putting a giant dent in my freezer.

I'm thinking that I should have remembered that 20 minutes ago

I'm feeling a little sheepish... but hey, I'm in a better condition than my freezer is :p
I noticed your cute glances, you handsome mystery man. I liked you too, just one chair between us and this awkwardly adorable silence in the air. I was too shy, I'm sorry.
That was further away from "typically me" than anything else I did lately. But it's about paying my dues and keeping the balance...it's all that matters.
Disappointed. Why do people tell you things indirectly, rather than face you with it? Have some courage. If you are going to say something, dont be a coward. Either say it directly or dont bother sending me 'symbolic' messages.
I've gotten to like these kids. I'm not sure why I call just about everyone younger than thirty 'kid' in my mind.
I was and am so very tired after all that. But I would quite like to go out and do something ridiculous. I think I will wait until the weekend to carry out my plan of controlled stupidity. We'll see. So much to take care of before I leave. I wonder how the next few months will pan out.
My CEO asked me how's my health doing so far and I said to him, "I'll fake it till I make it". He disagreed to that lol. Well, I'm just hoping that hitting the one-year mark since my last diagnosis doesn't mean new stuff will come my way.

I was just thinking of how at this time last year, I was starting to feel really sick and I kept pushing myself to keep going forward. I wonder if that's what I tend to do in any situation that's bad. I just don't take no for an answer. Maybe it's bad but maybe it's good too? I don't know.

A year ago, I really thought I wasn't going to make it and especially how the doctors treated me at first, it just didn't seem too promising. It was pretty bad. A year later, here I am still fighting. That friend of mine who passed away from Lymphoma a month or so before I got diagnosed only battled her cancer for about half a year. I consider myself lucky to still be around after all that I've been through.

I'm no longer looking for a purpose to life. I honestly don't think that the purpose is out there to be found, I think the purpose to life is self-created. I believe you get to decide what your purpose is and while I can do that, I'll make it worthwhile: To give back to others and for me to be content. I try not to hang on to negative feelings too long now. I'm sure there will still be down days but at least I know I won't dwell on things as long as I used to before. It's just not worth it really. There's more to life than to allowing negative emotions rule over your life and your days ahead of you.

Cancer sucks. As far as I'd hope I never see another different one in my lifetime again, I somehow feel like this won't be my last time dealing with it. Till then, I'll enjoy the heck out of my time alive and be content with what I have and give back to others what I can. That's what I'll do.
I should still be sleeping right now. I have been waking up awfully early for someone who's got nothing to do lately except mend my knee. I have some coffee, I come in here and look around a little bit and I've noticed it's kind of quiet here and then I try to do other things so I can work myself up to laying down again.

Really, that's about it.
We would be better off looking at all sides and not just the bright one. I just can't see how this is helping in the long run.
The itch to join the gym again is so great but my family seems to be more comfortable with me working out at home. I guess I can understand their concerns, since they'll be able to monitor my safety.. but it's not like the gym is deserted and that I'd be the only one there. I've regained some more energy just from going back to work, but I think I need to work out more so I can get myself back to how things were. If I could. I'd try at least.

Let's do this.

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