That feeling of not knowing what I want to feel.
well written in my opinion. that was a good . very honest and realistic. hope life turns out well for youconstant stranger said:I tended my mother's grave again today, four and a half months after she died. The frozen clods of earth thawed out and then the loosened soil was washed down into the grave by our springtime torrential rains this year, leaving a sinkhole like effect. So I've filled in the hole myself with good topsoil. It was an odd experience shoveling earth into her grave out there in that little cemetery, surrounded by miles of farm fields bisected by tree rows, the mid west USA prairie spread out like a quilt beneath the sky. I've seeded the bare earth rectangle with buffalograss seed....a practical turfgrass for this area.
Like any veteran of a long conflict I visit the dead. Mom was a really difficult person and our family was a slow motion train wreck. It's important to me that our grave and our acreage that I still live on look nice and well tended.....I think every day how our lives could have been so different. Like making a recipe in the kitchen, just a few changes would make such a change: oven not so hot, a pinch less salt, a bit more oregano......Well I can't change the past: I wish I'd been happier, more cheerful, less obsessed with how awful mom, dad and my brothers were, how I was left to clean up their mistakes with no one to help and then to have to think ahead for the next time they blunder.
But given what I had to work with I should be satisfied with what I did do. And now? With three dead out of the original five I feel the wish to....atone? No....to finish somehow, to render us in death a good looking family and in life, these next twenty or so years I have left, to perform well, live contentedly and also give something back to my community. Rather than being a servant and fix-it guy for family fumbles how about I engage in some proactive tasks?
I'll report more later sometime.
ladyforsaken said:^Hope you're okay there, Ska.