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8am, no sleep, lying in bed watching Beverly Hills 90210 with my electric blanket on full power so my stupid, poor-circulation legs get nice and toasty warm and I'm half wondering where it all went wrong even though it feels good, and if I should get up and eat breakfast or try and sleep.
Thinking about ******* ********s. Also the self-righteously indignant ass-bastards who say one thing to me and then crow to the world an entirely different story.

Grow up. It's not middle school anymore.

Also thinking that, given the events of last week at clinical, there is a 99% chance that the instructor is going to make me team leader for the week; if that is not the case, then there is an equally likely chance that I will get the patient who is positive for c diff. So excited!! :D
For once please spare me your crap, I'm tired of hearing your voice. Cause all I hear is negative. Everyone else has something wrong with them, but what about you? Oh no! There's nothing wrong with you, your just perrrrffffeeeecccttttt!
My cats and I watch Celebrity Ghost Stories every night. It's our secret, quiet time. *shhh* Okay, back to the show, this one has Sammy Hagar - only the best vocalist ... evarr
I can't keep track of the mugs! I'm sure they have parties while everyone is out and one of them always gets drunk and passes out somewhere...

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