What are you thinking right now?

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fox said:
I am exhausted of myself and how much I make no sense. It seems each day I wake up some one different.. never know what to expect.. one day I wake up feeling terrible and want to die, next day I wake up okay and am productive and positive and get lots done, next day I wake up and immediately go in a panic attack. What is it? Why can it not remain just one of those? It would be easier to deal with even if just miserable all the time..

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling that way, Fox. Perhaps you're bipolar???. My psychiatrist said I was bipolar and I feel this way too.

I need to smoke at least 4 cigarettes!!!
Oh boy.. I'm gonna have this little rhyme stuck in my head for awhile...

"Under the water under the sea..how many t**ties can you see?" /facepalm lol
Bob Arctor said:
EveWasFramed said:
I suddenly have the urge to take my kid on a picnic. :D


Definition of PICNIC
: an excursion or outing with food usually provided by members of the group and eaten in the open; also : the food provided for a picnic


You sir, are not invited. :club:
Everything looks weird and massive.

Also I'm sure I'm being diddled. Why am I getting digital printing from negatives?
* Self harm, I want to self harm right now - it's a mix of unhappy, rage, nastiness and frustration this time around.
* I also want to punch somebody's face right now, a certain somebody, I can't bring myself to call this **** wit a "person". Given what I'm feeling right now, I think I have a hell of a lot of self control - the person I want to punch is lucky. I hate him with such passion. Just because a person is blood, doesn't necessarily mean they're family, and it doesn't mean you have to love or like them.
* I need to go smoke something - nice menthol ciggy or a J.
* Maybe this was a mistake, I am in two minds about this, I don't know how I feel about this one... We're not in love, but we can't seem to keep our hands off of each other. Perhaps this is wrong, I don't know any more.
* I gotta stop being such a screw up.

* I'm happy my fluffies (white fluffy boot covers, Trancepance Fluffies on Ebay) came in the post today. =] I just need to make a start on the rest of that outfit soon.
* I miss certain friends.
* I really want to go outside and roller skate, even though it's 01:45am here. I have way too much energy right now.
* I really want to be at/go to another rave right now.
Brokendoll -don't harm yourself girl! and you're not a screw up. you're a worthy and wonderful person, its just that world is such a tough place to live in. hang in there!
I pray I'm strong enough to guard myself from the cynicism. Right now I'm losing the battle. Hopefully tomorrow. Keep my mind busy.
I'm in a blaring post-metal kind of mood right now, but Grumpy Neighbor #1 does not appreciate noisy, thundering sounds disturbing (most likely) his viewing of bad television.

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