Well-known member
I'm not a huge fan of cobblers, but I'm so ready for some. And I hope it turns out.
9006 said:Why me?
Sigma said:Maybe it wouldn't be so bad getting stranded on an uninhabited island and seeing how long I can survive.
Locke said:I am tired of trying. I need a vacation from myself.
GraceBlossom said:Why is it so hard...
mountainvista said:Valedictorian. I graduated top of my class with a 3.9, yet the person who inspired me to do this and who encouraged me in thiis endeavor, no longer wants to have anything to do with me so this feels a bit hollow.
I have no one "special" to share this with all of my friends from my cohort are are off celebrating with their loved ones/lovers, and I am alone.
As always.
What is so wrong with me?
Psycho Love said:Why does this terrify me so much....
ladyforsaken said:Talking about cancer with a friend who's also going through something similar just reminds me once again, that hey, it is still part of me.