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Got back from a friends wedding/reception a little while ago. It went the way I expected. Up until I met a friend of a friend.. She was real nice, And I think I like her..

I wasn't expecting that.. I forgot what harmony felt like.
Tealeaf said:
I am really glad there was no one here to hear me coo over the tiny house centipede and call it a "wittle babypede."

I need a bunny or something.

Lol that made me smile.. so cute. Bunnies might even make you speak like that a lot more..

Locke said:
Ugh...don't feel good.

Hope you're okay and will feel better soon, Locke.
Err...all right... You should know that most of what I said applies to you just as much as it does to him =/

ladyforsaken said:
Hope you're okay and will feel better soon, Locke.

Thanks Lady, I'm all right now. :) I hope you're doing well too!
What a damnable déjà-vu...maybe I should just accept that some people simply drop out of my circle of friends.
Reaching out makes no difference. It's just not the same anymore.
I can already feel the difference in the way people are talking to me.
... and what kind of people are talking to me.

Rainbows said:
I can already feel the difference in the way people are talking to me.
... and what kind of people are talking to me.


Don't worry, I'll still treat you the same as I always have (D)
TheRealCallie said:
Rainbows said:
I can already feel the difference in the way people are talking to me.
... and what kind of people are talking to me.


Don't worry, I'll still treat you the same as I always have (D)

Hahaha, I love you.
Also, I think I met the most handsome man alive yesterday. And he's really, really sweet.
Re-reading our old conversations really sucks. I am seeing all the points I went wrong, all the places where I misrepresented myself as a wuss instead of someone who craves adventure, like her. And the worst part? By the time I met her and things were picking up, I had already been researching attraction for some time. I should have known better and it's my fault things turned out like this. I didn't have to change my interests or beliefs. I just needed to have been going for my hobbies and goals full strength, not complained about anything that wasn't life-and-death, and just not talked like such a pansy. ****. I'm seeing it all now....in the beginning, I was reserved and detached and she called me awesome and worried about what I thought of her. She tried to qualify herself to me. Then the more she opened up the more I let my guard down and opened up about the stuff in my life, as well as just stalling out, being lazy, not taking care of my necessities or my hobbies and just complaining, relying on her too much to bring up interesting topics instead of bringing up some of my own. And NOT calling her out on things I disagreed with. I was too nice to her, and even after I'd already spent a lot of time reading about "nice guy syndrome". I saw the changes, both in terms of her tone and mine as the months wore on. Man. This was 100% avoidable and 100% my fault. I HAD this, and I blew it.

I should have known that no matter how different she is from most people, let alone most girls, and no matter how much she may have seemed to go out of her way for me, SHE IS STILL A WOMAN AND THE RULES STILL APPLY. ****. Yet another failure that I could have easily prevented, if I only had been confident like I should be and had my life together on time like I should have in the first place. It didn't matter that some of my interests are childish. All that mattered was that I had the basics covered and presented myself with strength, and lived the values myself that I sought in her. That would have shown her we could be good for each other. I don't know how I'll convince her now, and I have to cross her fingers she'll be free again anyway. This is such a mess and I'm such an idiot. Now I'll have the rest of my life to regret it. I keep hoping if I actually start living these things that I wanted in her, then she'll come around. But it's such a long shot. I have so much damage to undo. The problem is, if I go for someone else I'll just be going back to my comfort zone, where as she could have helped me get out. With someone else, I'll just go back to laziness and the idea that I'm just born to be "beta", because that's why I'm here. It's going to be back to "why try, I'm just going to fail anyway and that's as good as it's going to get".
I saved a half dozen people lives once fire fighting. But now i am an outpatient at a mental clinic and have no friends. im a headcase. I wasnt always. :(
There's a film called Lucy out now, which is about a woman who uses 100% of her brain. Goddamit, I know that your supposed to suspend your disbelief when watching a film, but dagnamit this annoys me. The stat which is usually wheeled out is that people only use 10 percent of their brains, and the thought is that if people could use 100% of their brains then we could all be geniuses. The brain doesn't work like that. This film is purveying the idea that that brain is just a whole undifferentiated mass of greyish matter, an idea which was done away with long ago. Imagine using 100% of your muscles to open a jar of gherkins. The brain is divided into specialised regions which are there to accomplish specific things. You are only going to a certain percentage of your brain at any time. Ok, say that most people only use 10% of their brains. Using just 10% of your brain takes 20% of your daily energy intake. Using 100% of your brain is going to take 200% of your daily energy intake (that's probably wrong, I'm a little drunk). So Scarlett Johansson, who plays Lucy in the film, is going to have to eat a lot. I mean every ten or twenty minutes she's going to want to stop for food. So if it was realistic, much of the film would be Scarlett Johansson munching away. And of course eating food produces byproducts. So if we're being realistic, much of the rest of the film would be Scarlett Johansson pushing one out on the crapper. Which would be an interesting film. What am I talking about? Has anyone read this far? Shame on you!
Two thoughts:

The light on the PS4 controller is ridiculously bright. It's literally a flashlight.


I find it difficult to take Diablo III seriously, especially when I now have to fight this dude that not only has his nipples pierced, but I think he farted after his little speech.
Second break in in a few months yesterday. They broke two doors down just to take some shoes and a watch. Car died on the job today. Got home to see they tried to break in again. I'm living the American dream over here!

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