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Stories like this always give me faith that humanity isn't as ****** as it appears. We need more people like this in the world.
I've been reading and hearing about this group for a few years now. These people are truly awesome.

Rainbows said:
Once again doctors refuse to help me.. sigh.

And why wouldn't she be able to live without him for a couple of weeks? Would she literally dissolve in and because of his absence? I really dislike how some people put relationships on a pedestal. She was born and was raised perfectly fine before even knowing him. She's grown and I'm sure she can breath without his assistance.
Glad I got rid of the bronchitis without antibiotics before it turned into something worse.
Had a joyful day. I liked making music with my new friends.
finally my wrists and knee recovered from that bad fall, it just took one month - yoga, here i come!
too bad they are not in good enough shape to attend the rollerskating lessons, I was really looking forward to that
if you are lonely you have more time to do stuff, I guess
"I'm gonna swing from the chandelier"

I don't know why, but that sounds like a lot of fun right now
Just remember that she was in the same spot you're standing in now. Don't think that just because she's the ex now that she didn't mean something to him once upon a time. Because she did. Don't think you're something special because he decided to stay with you for now.
no sign of the lady who is interested in photography. Probably won't see her again.
Just been served in a shop by this stunning young woman. She was pretty but it was her manner which was so nice. Gave me a lovely smile. I really respect people who give good customer service,
people who love their jobs. I try to give a good service. I always try to even though I look and sound dreadful. I do my best.
I really hope that anyone else who has played this game thinks the same exact thing I do. I just can't... I had to stop playing it for like twenty minutes, I was laughing so hard. They had to use ostriches, because people don't move like that. Oh my God, this is hilarious.
12 months, take that teeth! Woohoo!

'You only like it when you don't know it's happening!' Sounds soooo bad!!
I just don't get my Dad, the way he watches the TV. It's 5 minutes of something then 10 minutes of something else. And on and on and on. never staying on something for the whole program.
It's pointless. It drives me bug ****. He wonders why I don't bother watching. I read my book or sit at my pc instead.