DVEEUS-I'm 43,
It's true tattoos on women have become more widespread & quite a bit more socially acceptable/norm these days.
I waited 20 years to get my tattoo started because I wanted to be absolutely certain I ended up with something I would never regret, the design morphed in my mind until it was complete, I just knew when I reached that point the time was right for me-nothing whatsoever to do with what other folks think, like you, my tattoo is a personal thing, it has meaning to me & I really couldn't give a hoot if anyone doesn't like it.
Sometimes I wear clothes that show it off, & when people compliment the work it's nice sure, I've also had people ask me whatever possesed me to 'ruin' my body like that, &, of course all the usual "what about when your skin sags?" comments-towit my usual reply is, "when your skin sags it will just be boring old plain saggy skin, at least mine will be colourful!"
I agree with you about it not being painful, Ifind that familiar bzzzzz bzzzzzzzz in the chair most relaxing, I've drifted off a couple of times, I can sit for 5 hours in absolute bliss, I've done 7.5 hours when my artist agreed to do a tap out session, he called it at 7.5 hours because it became clear to him that my body was beyond it(my skin started swelling up & pissing plasma) so he made me stop, in his words "You'd pass out before you tap out!"
Although I've only ever had my back worked on, maybe when we hit other more sensitive areas I might change my mind-I doubt it but you never know.
I dress & 'style' myself as it pleases me, not others, my tattoo is a part of this too.
I wear my hair in ways that are 'unorthodox'-according to employers-thankfully I'm my own boss in a career that doesn't expect me to be too conformist anyways.