I started out today doing well enough - I resolved to just journal everything out. I got started, but ultimately got distracted, slipped into a deep funk and wasted the rest of the day. But now, looking back on today's waste, I'm just even more determined to come back all the stronger tomorrow. I can't wait for tomorrow morning, 7 AM sharp.
I just wish I hadn't wasted so much time in life, thinking and focusing on all the wrong things when there were so many wonderful things all around I could have gotten into instead. The answers have always been hiding in plain sight, all along. Already, no matter what I achieve now, I feel that when I look back on it all as an old man, I will only be able to shake my head in regret that I did not start sooner, so I could have shared it with those I care about, my family and friends. I just wish I could wake up tomorrow and stop being wrong about everything. All my life I scoffed at the notion that we made our own luck and said that we just had to be born with it, otherwise we were stuck. Now I see how foolish that was and how I could have saved myself a lot of grief had I just gotten started about 10 years ago. I know I would have been a lot happier and would have just been a better presence in general....I would have had that much more good feelings not just for myself but to share.