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johnny196775Again said:

Too late. I already read your message. It's not bullying when someone is instigating it. I am simply replying to his ranting about a message that was not even directed at him.
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:

Too late. I already read your message. It's not bullying when someone is instigating it. I am simply replying to his ranting about a message that was not even directed at him.

i am sorry. What you said just doesnt seem nessaeccary. Kind of mean spirited.
johnny196775Again said:
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:

Too late. I already read your message. It's not bullying when someone is instigating it. I am simply replying to his ranting about a message that was not even directed at him.

your calling him names. very immature

I haven't called him any names. I did make reference to the fact that he is a 'black hole of negativity' - which you only have to read his messages to ascertain.
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:

Too late. I already read your message. It's not bullying when someone is instigating it. I am simply replying to his ranting about a message that was not even directed at him.

your calling him names. very immature

I haven't called him any names. I did make reference to the fact that he is a 'black hole of negativity' - which you only have to read his messages to ascertain.

and thats why i changed it. jeez.

and these people you are speaking of are they evil for being that way?
Cavey said:
chris girard said:
VanillaCreme said:
chris girard said:
VanillaCreme said:
Please don't attack this forum because you think you sit on a platform higher than the rest of us. I'm not a lonely person either, but I will never put anyone down for feeling the way they do. Perhaps you don't get along because your attitude is not one that someone wants to deal with.

Perhaps I spoke in haste. I felt personally attacked by what a person above said regarding people using their disabilities to excuse their behavior... autism is a behavioral disability. I have poor judgement, I am immature, I am SENSITIVE, and that is not my fault... I am disabled and run into that very kind of discrimination daily.. so I was tired of it and attacked an entire forum.. excuse me. I should not have done that... what would you have suggested I do instead?

If you have an issue with someone on a forum, then you take it to PM, or you take it to a moderator. Not just with this forum, but with any forum. Publicly airing dirty laundry is looked down upon simply because it's not necessary. If there's something that has upset you, please, feel free to message an admin or a moderator with your concern. You don't take it out on an entire forum, most of whom have nothing to do with the issues that you face, because of one person or one comment. When you take matters into your own hands, then you're looked at like you did something wrong. We all deal with something, be it easy or hard, but that's never a reason to put your boot in everyone's face.

We're here 24/7 to deal with issues and concerns. Our doors are always open.

O.k. then I would like to take issue with cavey's statement above... no one's disability is ever a convenient anything.. that is a cruel thing to say. It is bigoted and hurtful to ALL disabled people, regardless of their disability and I think it should be retracted or the miserable individual should be shunned.

Yawn. Take issue with my comment all you like. It was not directed at a particular individual.

This may be very inconvenient for you to hear, but I am also on the autistic spectrum. Do you know how many times I have mentioned it here prior to this post? Zero. Do you know how many times I have used it as a excuse for my behaviour? Zero.

There are those of us that wish to keep such things personal and attempt to fit in with society as best we can. There are also those people that wish to wear it like a badge on their chest and think it gives them carte blanche to behave like a tool...

Oh, and please do shun me...

chris girard said:
differentlonelygirl said:
chris girard said:
VanillaCreme said:
Please don't attack this forum because you think you sit on a platform higher than the rest of us. I'm not a lonely person either, but I will never put anyone down for feeling the way they do. Perhaps you don't get along because your attitude is not one that someone wants to deal with.

Perhaps I spoke in haste. I felt personally attacked by what a person above said regarding people using their disabilities to excuse their behavior... autism is a behavioral disability. I have poor judgement, I am immature, I am SENSITIVE, and that is not my fault... I am disabled and run into that very kind of discrimination daily.. so I was tired of it and attacked an entire forum.. excuse me. I should not have done that... what would you have suggested I do instead?

sorry you feel like that, but i enjoyed your posts. you were the nice one, i saw. even though everyone here is insightful, seemed like you actually cared. i understand.

I would like to say thank you. You have my deepest gratitude for this extremely kind comment. :)

Cavey said:
I'm thinking that some people are over-sensitive. I'm thinking that some people use their disabilities as a convenient excuse for their behaviour. I'm thinking that there are too many people that would rather drag everyone else down to their level than try and lift themselves up. I'm thinking that these people must have a very hard time functioning in society.

This is a really pathetic thing to say.
Nobody who is disabled finds their disability convenient.
I find you personally repulsive.
This statement is bigoted and hurtful to ALL disabled people regardless of their disability... but furthermore no one uses their disability as an excuse for anything.. that is another disgusting thing for you to say.
I sense not the smallest portion of decency or compassion in you.
I expect you to do poorly in life because of these traits and am satisfied greatly by that.

You're the one choosing to attack multiple people here today, not me.

You personally attacked Mouse and told her she deserves to be lonely and bullied.

You personally attacked Rodent and told him he was homophobic.

You've personally attacked me and told me things that... well, quite frankly, they make me laugh, but that's besides the point.

You're just a black hole of negativity.

It is a deflection to point out whom I have attacked... if Mouse had a problem with what I said, she would not have apologized... I obviously worked out my problem with Rodent... You are the only one who can't work things out with me because you are well.. less...
johnny196775Again said:
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:

Too late. I already read your message. It's not bullying when someone is instigating it. I am simply replying to his ranting about a message that was not even directed at him.

your calling him names. very immature

I haven't called him any names. I did make reference to the fact that he is a 'black hole of negativity' - which you only have to read his messages to ascertain.

and thats why i changed it. jeez.

and these people you are speaking of are they evil for being that way?

I'll answer your question, but I have one in return...

If me saying he is a 'black hole of negativity' is mean spirited and required you to post a message in his defence, then what about him saying that he hopes I do poorly in life and that this would 'satisfy him greatly'?

That seems rather mean-spirited, but I don't see you having anything to say about that. Is it only mean spirited if the other person has their feelings hurt? Because I'm really not bothered one way or another, suddenly his messages are OK?

In answer to your question, I don't believe human beings are either good or evil. We're all just people.
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:

Too late. I already read your message. It's not bullying when someone is instigating it. I am simply replying to his ranting about a message that was not even directed at him.

your calling him names. very immature

I haven't called him any names. I did make reference to the fact that he is a 'black hole of negativity' - which you only have to read his messages to ascertain.

Now I see you are starting a fight with Johnny who is like one of the nicest people on this forum... you are a real piece of.... 'work' aren't you?
chris girard said:
It is a deflection to point out whom I have attacked... if Mouse had a problem with what I said, she would not have apologized... I obviously worked out my problem with Rodent... You are the only one who can't work things out with me because you are well.. less...

Yes, OK, whatever. I'm tired of listening to your inane, childish ramblings. You continue to use whatever excuses you like for your behaviour and why it's A-OK. It might work on the Internet.

I'll just block you and continue to go about my business as if you don't exist...

You have a happy life, you hear?
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:
Cavey said:
Too late. I already read your message. It's not bullying when someone is instigating it. I am simply replying to his ranting about a message that was not even directed at him.

your calling him names. very immature

I haven't called him any names. I did make reference to the fact that he is a 'black hole of negativity' - which you only have to read his messages to ascertain.

and thats why i changed it. jeez.

and these people you are speaking of are they evil for being that way?

I'll answer your question, but I have one in return...

If me saying he is a 'black hole of negativity' is mean spirited and required you to post a message in his defence, then what about him saying that he hopes I do poorly in life and that this would 'satisfy him greatly'?

That seems rather mean-spirited, but I don't see you having anything to say about that. Is it only mean spirited if the other person has their feelings hurt? Because I'm really not bothered one way or another, suddenly his messages are OK?

In answer to your question, I don't believe human beings are either good or evil. We're all just people.

you seem to be attacking disabled people. not cool.
johnny196775Again said:
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:
Cavey said:
johnny196775Again said:
your calling him names. very immature

I haven't called him any names. I did make reference to the fact that he is a 'black hole of negativity' - which you only have to read his messages to ascertain.

and thats why i changed it. jeez.

and these people you are speaking of are they evil for being that way?

I'll answer your question, but I have one in return...

If me saying he is a 'black hole of negativity' is mean spirited and required you to post a message in his defence, then what about him saying that he hopes I do poorly in life and that this would 'satisfy him greatly'?

That seems rather mean-spirited, but I don't see you having anything to say about that. Is it only mean spirited if the other person has their feelings hurt? Because I'm really not bothered one way or another, suddenly his messages are OK?

In answer to your question, I don't believe human beings are either good or evil. We're all just people.

you seem to be attacking disabled people. not cool.

Now you're just avoiding my question and talking rubbish. Don't worry about it, Johnny. We're done here.
Stop the bickering. It's still being put out there, and that's exactly what I told you not to do. End it. Chris, you have an issue, PM a moderator.
sanguineRose said:
Am I scary? I just felt like some people are running away from me...

Scary? Hell No!
You're one of the best person I have met Rose. Don't let doubt eat you from inside. I'm here if you need me and here is one warm Dragon hug for you.

*Dragon hugs*
My kids get a 4 day weekend, thanks to the cold. No school yesterday or today.

Also, if you know your child has pretty bad allergies, why would you go out and get 2 dogs, 2 cats, and ferrets and stuff them all in one small house? You're a ******* idiot and I don't want to hear **** if I say they can't go over there this spring. So irresponsible and selfish.....
Am I in love or just lonely??? I really felt at one time that I was in love with a particular person who determined during our relationship that he was gay. I was content with being alone because he obviously needed something I could not give him. He is now dating women again and I always dreamed that I would be the one he wanted. I still hold on to that dream. I can only equate my feelings of our relationship now to a bad drug. When I talk to him I get high but right afterwards I am filled with anxiety and severe depression. Sometimes we go months without talking and I am fine. Then he will call and the cycle starts again. I wait for my fix. I have been completely alone for well over 10 years and I know I put off a feeling to others that I am taken and in a way I am. My life is getting to a point where I cannot stand to be lonely anymore but what I want is my old life back. I am getting to the point where I am thinking about how I will never get married, never have children, and never be happy. During this time that I have been alone there has been no one who has shown interest in me; not one single person. While I have and have always had very low self esteem in regards to my appearance. So low in fact that I haven't even looked in the mirror for about 25 years. But I'm not hideous, a little over weight, but I have a good personality once you get to know me, I am highly intelligent and educated, capable of many things, I am confident and strong, although I have had and continue to struggle with substance abuse I have my s&@# together, and have a good job. What is wrong with me that no one is interested in what I have to offer???

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