I often wonder why I have so little to think about and talk about. Why although I want to make something, I never get ideas for the things I want to create. And why I sometimes struggle in conversations, why I think some people have gotten bored of me. I've always wanted to be a more interesting person like the ones I admire and fit in with the ones I want to date because I want to be that way myself - but I haven't been able to understand how to do it.
I can't remember the last time I read a book cover to cover. I need to do this again. It's made me think that I need to watch the information that I take in, I need to watch what I let into my life. As I've been pondering relationships and where I go wrong, I've determined that it's not my looks or my interests, so it must be my personality. It must be the things I fill my mind with, or the things I have not. Kind of like diet. If you fill your diet with fast food, you will most likely get an unhealthy body. If you fill your mind with fast food information and entertainment, you will get a flabby, unhealthy, and unattractive mind with little to think and talk about.
The more meaningless crap I let into my life, the more meaningless my life becomes. If I find that I am struggling to find things to talk about, it's because I'm taking in all the wrong stuff. If I'm not interesting, creative, passionate, or attractive it must be that I am not living my life in interesting, creative, passionate, or attractive ways.
I'm still trying to hammer this into my consciousness. But I guess being able to define and articulate the problem is a step in the right direction.