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after so long finally lots of ideas coming up, this environment is really good for my brain, but I wonder if here too I would do like the last time, and kind of forget to make any friends
Where did I go wrong? And what can I do to stop it from happening over and over and over again?

How can I go right? Will I feel a difference? If so, what? How different do I have to be for things to go right instead? Is it a lot, a complete personality change? Or is it a little, just a few tweaks, a few adjustments?

I'm aiming at a target, but I can't see by how far I am missing the mark so I can't know for certain where the problem area is. Am I missing it a foot or a mile? Am I not throwing hard enough? If so, by how much? Am I holding or throwing the ball wrong entirely? If so, by how much? Am I stopping too short? Moving too slow? If I only knew, I could adjust accordingly. This is why failing is so frustrating, because of course I didn't mean to miss. But without feedback I have no idea what's wrong and where I need to improve, where I need to put my focus.
Just did something idiotic: changed my relationship status to ‘single’ having just friend requested someone in my course. This would probably have shown up on her News Feed, as if to say: “hey, look, I’m single!”.

Someone at my work was telling me the rice bag I was holding looked like mouse eggs :D I didn't know mice laid eggs hahahaha
ardour said:
Just did something idiotic: changed my relationship status to ‘single’ having just friend requested someone in my course. This would probably have shown up on her News Feed, as if to say: “hey, look, I’m single!”.


I don't think you need to worry. Most people don't seem to take Facebook that seriously. People update their info and friend request people all on the same day. If she noticed at all, she'd probably think it's merely a coincidence.

All I know is, over-worrying tends to create the very problems we wish to avoid, where they didn't necessarily have to exist.

lonelypanda said:
Someone at my work was telling me the rice bag I was holding looked like mouse eggs :D I didn't know mice laid eggs hahahaha

They don't, as far as I know. I believe the only mammal that lays eggs is the platypus.
ardour said:
Just did something idiotic: changed my relationship status to ‘single’ having just friend requested someone in my course. This would probably have shown up on her News Feed, as if to say: “hey, look, I’m single!”.


Haha, I bet there is no way in a million years she would ever make that connection.
Paraiyar said:
ardour said:
Just did something idiotic: changed my relationship status to ‘single’ having just friend requested someone in my course. This would probably have shown up on her News Feed, as if to say: “hey, look, I’m single!”.


Haha, I bet there is no way in a million years she would ever make that connection.

It looks pretty obvious... or you could be lucky and she thinking "Nobody's stupid enough to be that obvious; it's just a coincidence" Lol

Pfft, honeysuckle doesn't change in a few week. Stop kidding yourself.
And you couldn't give me one ******* day where you don't get in my way. It's like you know just when I'm about to do something, so you can then do it half-ass and wrong. Forget about it. I don't know why I try with you backwards fucks anyway.
I'm a person of the little things, it's all in the details. Thankyou for running down the snow a few times before parking so I wouldn't step out into all foot of snow. So sweet :D
I always had this prejudice that people from Nepal were very friendly and nice, this woman who is living in the corridor only answered my good morning and good night with "nghngh" (she can talk very good English though, and has a brand new Macbook Air, so I don't think she comes from the mountains. Oh well, must be my face...
Peaches said:
I always had this prejudice that people from Nepal were very friendly and nice, this woman who is living in the corridor only answered my good morning and good night with "nghngh" (she can talk very good English though, and has a brand new Macbook Air, so I don't think she comes from the mountains. Oh well, must be my face...

You could have responded with the same sounds or a different set of sounds. Maybe that's how she'd prefer to interact. Through sounds...
ladyforsaken said:
Peaches said:
I always had this prejudice that people from Nepal were very friendly and nice, this woman who is living in the corridor only answered my good morning and good night with "nghngh" (she can talk very good English though, and has a brand new Macbook Air, so I don't think she comes from the mountains. Oh well, must be my face...

You could have responded with the same sounds or a different set of sounds. Maybe that's how she'd prefer to interact. Through sounds...

Lmao. Do it Peaches. Report back the results please!
I'm thankful that I have the iota of reason to see humanity for what it is: a ******* cancer.

I could live in a cave five hundred miles away from any population center and all those ******* worthless maggots would still be spitting in my face and raping my murdered sanity just as much as they always do. Every moment is a waking ******* nightmare for me. I don't need any 'help'. I don't need any ******* compassion. I wrote both off long ago. Any time I might display some semblance of hope or benevolence, I am lying to myself. Every time I pleaded for mercy or understanding or just to be left the fresia alone, the maggots screamed at me and kicked me in the face. And they all laughed as they did so. They know **** well how repulsively ignorant they all are - and they will defend their own empire of honeysuckle at everyone's expense.

Seven billion parasites forever rimming the ******* of their own infinite worthlessness - and reveling in every goddamn second of it.
I'm a child. I have absolutely no plans for the day, so what am I excited about? I probably shouldn't overthink it and just use that energy instead.

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