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I'm glad I made sure to separate them. I don't mind him enjoying some, but they're not all for him. I don't make anything for him, as shocking as that may sound, and I don't care to spoil him. He's not my child. So, there's a bag, with less in it, in case you feel the need to give him the whole thing.
I'm sorry Nilla but I just have to touch on this, even though you asked to move on. I don't care if I get a warning or whatever, do as you wish.

BeyondShy said:
Solivagant said:
Wow, so much the angers.

I'm so sorry. I guess I won't say how I feel anymore. Everyone else can though with no problem.
BeyondShy said:
Solivagant said:
I wasn't talking about you.

I think so. That's all that matters. I did nothing to you to make you say this. But I will do the proper thing and say that I wish you have a wonderful and safe week ahead. And if you live in the U.S. I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.

I wish you would just stop doing this, BeyondShy. Just stop. Just stop making everything people say that isn't positive about you. Nobody on this forum wants to put you down, or else I wouldn't be on this freakin forum vouching for the fact that there are good people here who mean well. Solivagant is one of these people who would NOT put someone else down or say something mean about someone on the forum.

You do NOT terrorise people here with YOUR thoughts about what they say and then silence them when they tell you the truth to what they're saying. If you don't freakin care - you wouldn't even comment on their posts or even think that it was about YOU. If you don't even care about what others ACTUALLY mean, don't freakin expect people to care about what you're saying in your posts.

By behaving this way, you are doing exactly what you wished would not happen - people to avoid you.

So please, PLEASE stop doing this. And don't take this reply as a sign that I am attacking you. I am not. I am just asking you, after multiple times of politely asking so, to stop being overly defensive about absolutely nothing that relates to you at all, even after the original poster claimed it so.

Why? Because believe it or not, these people behind all the posts here, have feelings too and are affected by your posts too - just as you would be affected by things that are negatively directed at you.

You want to be included and get nicer treatment? Stop behaving this way and start including others in your posts here in a positive manner yourself. Not to put them down, not to silence their truth, not to rile them up. Cos when you do these things to people, chances are, it bounces back to you.
TheSkaFish said:
I agree completely. I too have put restrictions on myself before due to fear of finding out I wasn't good enough and could never be good enough because I lacked the talent, the potential, the luck, or was just not fated to be great at anything, the fear of finding out that I was just fundamentally mediocre. It became a self-fulfilling prophecy - because of this belief, I shied away from anything that was a challenge thinking that if I were talented, it would be easy from the start. Now I see that it doesn't necessarily work that way, or that being a natural is not the only path to getting good at something.

I wish I could say that that was the moment I conquered my insecurity for good, but unfortunately, I gave in to fear. I will try again, though. Even when I drew for only a week or two at the start of this year, I could still see that I was making progress.

I think you should take that art class, if you have the time. I find that drawing is very relaxing and fun :)

I understand that so well- the fear that stops you even trying because you come to the realization that no matter how hard you try you will at best be less than average. Or mediocre as you say. It's certainly a self-fulfilling prophecy- the curse of ineptitude through lack of self-confidence. But I guess it's like everyone says, if you don't try you will never know. It's just that life lessons like that aren't the easiest to learn until you experience them yourself. Especially when they involve confronting fear and anxiety. That can be more crippling than almost anything else. Conquering something of that nature has to be a process. I don't think it can happen overnight, but I'm glad for us both that we have started dealing with it even to a degree.
I'm slowly learning to face my fears now. It's two steps forward and one step back for me as of yet but at least that still leaves me one step ahead of where I was, so I'm staying positive. Having guidance and support is always a good thing. I will hopefully try out art next year as well. I hope you can take it up again and maybe you could share your art when you do. :)
kamya said:
Gay marriage is legal. I've had the same guy roommate for almost 5 years now. If I lived in a common law state... would I be married?

Lol think it works the same way as a female roomate.
I'm seeing a continuous pattern. My family members invite me out when a 4th is needed so there's no "3rd wheel" situation, bring me along shopping when I don't have money so I can hold/push the cart with all their things they want to buy, & when I'm needed as an ice breaker when there's tension between people.
Well I didn't go along with their plans last night as a 4th to a 3rd wheel shopping & dinner night. Felt good hah.
Need to STOP being a **** people pleaser
So she got a job in retail, a business that sees its busiest hours on the weekend, and decided to call out every weekend she was scheduled?
Well, guess what? Someone needs to be shown the door if this behavior doesn't end.
If someone tells you that stacking wet cups inside of each other doesn't allow them to dry, and then you (finally) learn not to do that... Wouldn't you apply the same logic to plastic containers that can stack into each other? Do I really have to explain bit by bit... Stop stacking honeysuckle inside of other honeysuckle. That causes stuff not to dry properly.
I wish the guy I liked would message me but he stopped talking to me so suddenly. When I think I found someone it lasts a short while then poofs into nothing. I don't want to find anyone ever again o_o
Solivagant said:
This is going to throw my sleeping schedule off, again.

Take two sleeping pills and watch something boring on TV like a home and gardening show.

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