What are you thinking right now?

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So many technicalities and complications behind the scenes, **** it.
I want to find a way to keep cookies nice and puffy and thick. I suppose I should invest in some baking powder for the cause.

BeyondShy said:
Solivagant said:
I wasn't talking about you at all. o_0

Yeah, if you say.

That's not even allowed. If you thought it was about you, then you should report it. Talking negatively about other members isn't something that's promoted, hence why threads of the sort get closed. I don't think Solivagant was talking about you.
VanillaCreme said:
That's not even allowed. If you thought it was about you, then you should report it. Talking negatively about other members isn't something that's promoted, hence why threads of the sort get closed. I don't think Solivagant was talking about you.

It may not be allowed but it happens a lot. Probably too much.

At the same time I do think Solivagant was talking about me but you know what? It's best to just drop it right now and continue on with this thread. I'm just not in the mindset to take these comments anymore.

Excuse me VanillaCreme.
BeyondShy said:
It may not be allowed but it happens a lot. Probably too much.

At the same time I do think Solivagant was talking about me but you know what? It's best to just drop it right now and continue on with this thread. I'm just not in the mindset to take these comments anymore.

Excuse me VanillaCreme.

I wasn't talking about you.
Solivagant said:
I wasn't talking about you.

I think so. That's all that matters. I did nothing to you to make you say this. But I will do the proper thing and say that I wish you have a wonderful and safe week ahead. And if you live in the U.S. I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.
UNFUCKING believable. Dude, get over yourself. I've never seen anyone act so **** petulant and complain like you do. And yes, you do ruin threads with that kind of attitude, because if there is a negative comment, in your mind, it's about you. I've never felt the need to ***** at someone, but you take the cake. Geez, get over yourself and stop assuming.
BeyondShy said:
Solivagant said:
I wasn't talking about you.

I think so. That's all that matters. I did nothing to you to make you say this. But I will do the proper thing and say that I wish you have a wonderful and safe week ahead. And if you live in the U.S. I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.

Why would you think she was? Do you mean that much to her? If nothing can sway you, that's fine. I don't care to change your mind. But she wasn't, and whether you want to believe it or not, doesn't mean it's true.

Please move on from it, everyone.
VanillaCreme said:
Why would you think she was? Do you mean that much to her? If nothing can sway you, that's fine. I don't care to change your mind. But she wasn't, and whether you want to believe it or not, doesn't mean it's true.

Please move on from it, everyone.

Yes Ma'am. I'm sorry. And you're right, let's move on.

What am I thinking right now?

How I would like to see my family for this holiday.
Aisha said:
Thanks for the encouragement. :) That's so true. We do all have the potential to improve even in areas in which we think we're lacking. Everyone starts at zero, and we shouldn't be hindered by our own perceptions of what our limitations are, especially without even trying first. Even if some people are born with natural talent they would have to work hard to cultivate and challenge and channel those talents to help them grow, and so should everyone else. I've certainly put restrictions on myself before, out of fear.
I've never taken art before, even at school, but I've always been curious. I have time next year so I'm seriously considering taking it up, even just for the experience and the knowledge. How about you? Have you taken something up after that incident in order to test yourself?


I agree completely. I too have put restrictions on myself before due to fear of finding out I wasn't good enough and could never be good enough because I lacked the talent, the potential, the luck, or was just not fated to be great at anything, the fear of finding out that I was just fundamentally mediocre. It became a self-fulfilling prophecy - because of this belief, I shied away from anything that was a challenge thinking that if I were talented, it would be easy from the start. Now I see that it doesn't necessarily work that way, or that being a natural is not the only path to getting good at something.

I wish I could say that that was the moment I conquered my insecurity for good, but unfortunately, I gave in to fear. I will try again, though. Even when I drew for only a week or two at the start of this year, I could still see that I was making progress.

I think you should take that art class, if you have the time. I find that drawing is very relaxing and fun :)
What am I thinking right now? About my left arm or more accurately my left shoulder.

I guess a short story should be inserted here. This is just an attempt for me to try to reach out and tell a little about myself. When you are done reading it and you think it is funny please keep it to yourself.

Thanksgiving is not that far away and it makes me think of one years ago when I got hurt playing football. American football that is for the ones who think I am talking about soccer.

It was about a week or so before Thanksgiving and it was a nice fall day and we decided to go out and play football. Our quarterback got hurt and I had to go and take his place. I'm doing ok for awhile but then someone comes rushing in on me and turns me upside down and slams me to the ground. I couldn't get up because my shoulder felt like someone was stepping on it.

As it turned out I broke my collarbone and separated my shoulder. Over time it healed but I was never able to throw as hard as I did before I got hurt.

I was no professional or anything but it prevented me from playing again because there was always a pain.
BeyondShy said:
I was no professional or anything but it prevented me from playing again because there was always a pain.

:( I'm sorry to hear that, BeyondShy. Did you play in high school, college, or a local league? Or did you play in pick-up games with people you knew?
TheSkaFish said:
:( I'm sorry to hear that, BeyondShy. Did you play in high school, college, or a local league? Or did you play in pick-up games with people you knew?

Summer leagues and pick-up games.

It's not really a big deal now. This is something I don't dwell on but every once in awhile I think about it. My arm is fine now but I haven't played catch in years so I would have to have quite a few warm-up throws if I started playing catch again.
Gay marriage is legal. I've had the same guy roommate for almost 5 years now. If I lived in a common law state... would I be married?
I wonder if I should switch my focus from web programming to mobile app development.

kamya said:
Gay marriage is legal. I've had the same guy roommate for almost 5 years now. If I lived in a common law state... would I be married?

^ I've wondered that before too, lol.

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