I wish the weather forecaster would get it right for a change so I could make plans 
Miki said:^I love horror movies. I enjoy watching them and finding out if it's really all that scary. But I get scared easily so...
feminism (noun): the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities
defamation (noun): the act of saying false things in order to make people have a bad opinion of someone or something
SlayGuy138 said:To a soon-to-be ex-friend; hey, worthless ******* rape apologist, let's crack open the ******* dictionary, shall we?
feminism (noun): the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities
Hmm, OK! So given this definition, you still share these cancerous ******* "memes" portraying every feminist on earth as some kind of pedophile or terrorist. And all your friends lap up every ******* word of your bile. Hmm, I think there's a word for that too!
defamation (noun): the act of saying false things in order to make people have a bad opinion of someone or something
It seems like you harvest these ******* lies and forgeries on a continuous basis so that you can have a pathetic ******* 'rationale' for upholding your position of false superiority. There are no ******* feminists (who are to be taken seriously) who want to kill all men, there are none who want to take away your ******* Xbox, and none are going to ******* have a nervous breakdown when someone 'identifies' them wrong. But they do want vengeance on a system that seeks to commit systematic rape and genocide against them - a system which you proudly and gleefully support. Coming from a white, American, self-identified and biological male, who has an ounce of ******* compassion and reason, I say this from the bottom of my heart: **** YOU.