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BeyondShy said:
TheSkaFish said:
I actually had a couple of creative/artistic ideas today, but I lack the skill and equipment to manifest them into the real world. They were ideas for songs, lyrics, and art. I just hope I can record them somehow because I think I could actually refine these ideas into something decent, given enough time.

First you got to write them down and then you can expand on the ideas. That's how I do it.

Thanks for the tip :) I know you do photography and make galleries, but what other mediums do you usually do?
TheSkaFish said:
Thanks for the tip :) I know you do photography and make galleries, but what other mediums do you usually do?

How about you not worrying about that? No way do I share my other interests in here because we all know how well my gallery offer was received.
BeyondShy said:
TheSkaFish said:
Thanks for the tip :) I know you do photography and make galleries, but what other mediums do you usually do?

How about you not worrying about that? No way do I share my other interests in here because we all know how well my gallery offer was received.

Sorry, I didn't mean to make that sound like an interrogation. I was just trying to make friendly conversation. When I find out someone does creative things I'm curious about what they do and their process to see if there's something I can learn from them.
TheSkaFish said:
Sorry, I didn't mean to make that sound like an interrogation. I was just trying to make friendly conversation. When I find out someone does creative things I'm curious about what they do and their process to see if there's something I can learn from them.

Ok fine. You get an idea for a song for example. Have a small notepad with you or in near reach of you. Quickly write down the first lyrics that come in your head. You will be amazed on how much more you can write.

It is faster to write it down than typing it on an iPad or something like that. Same goes for any creative idea you have. Write it down as fast as you can so you don't lose the idea in your head.

No big deal you asking me this. I am still upset with what they did to me.
BeyondShy said:
Ok fine. You get an idea for a song for example. Have a small notepad with you or in near reach of you. Quickly write down the first lyrics that come in your head. You will be amazed on how much more you can write.

It is faster to write it down than typing it on an iPad or something like that. Same goes for any creative idea you have. Write it down as fast as you can so you don't lose the idea in your head.

I just thought I'd let you know that I now have a spiral notebook right next to my computer desk here, just for this purpose of collecting and saving ideas. Thanks again for the suggestion :)
ladyforsaken said:
^You do need to focus on yourself for now, Fairy. I think you deserve some self-care and pampering. :)

Main thought right now: I did it. Even though I didn't finish it within 2 hours, at least I finished it all. Unlike the last time. I know it's all a matter of my mindset. But ... how do I get rid of this taste in my mouth?

Aw, yeah... It's fine to pamper yourself sometimes. :)

I hope you are having a great day, Ladyf~!
The more I think about it the more I have to admit: This guy is creeping me out. More than I creep myself out sometimes and that says a lot. But there are different layers to creepiness after all.
I will never get through all my books in my library. It will just expand and expand and I'll never catch up.

I want to go live in a small German town. The ones I saw on the train journey through the Alps were fantastic and the ones on google images look amazing as well.
She went there to see an oncologist and didn't let me know that was the real reason she was going. Thank goodness the lesion is benign. In hindsight the things she said make more sense. They weren't going to let me know until next month, even though they know I'm not the sort of person who panics about things related to those issues. But I've experienced how very different a thing it is to be on that side of proceedings myself, and I can't imagine the stress she must have gone through, especially someone as prone to anxiety as she is, and what it must have taken to keep that from me. I hope everything will turn out alright.
I don't even know why they asked when I'll come home from work...only to show up 45 minutes or more past the time I told them. They're never as fast as they assume which is no surprise on a 250 km trip. And don't even get me started on the "Do you have something to eat we can have for breakfast on Saturday?" question...

No, I bought nothing at all because I'm inconsiderate and oblivious and now we all have to starve.
So one hurdle gone through - what's next? I still feel the sedatives circling through my system. Today was such a crazy day.. will it get better?

Rodent said:
No, I bought nothing at all because I'm inconsiderate and oblivious and now we all have to starve.

This made me think of The Sims where you starve them to death, just because. Starve, Simmy, staaarrve!
ladyforsaken said:
This made me think of The Sims where you starve them to death, just because. Starve, Simmy, staaarrve!

Oh man. My friend and I used to talk about this all the time back in high school. I never actually played it myself, but he would tell me about these starving pits that he would throw his Sims into. Eventually, "starve" became our word for simply killing an enemy in any video game. I still use it that way. Muahahahaha!
BreakingtheGirl said:
Outlast is a crazy ass, frightening, and extremely vile game. I love it.

I was playing that on the hardest difficulty a while back and got stuck at the part where you have to turn the generators on whilst avoiding the the guy who wants to bash your skull in with a pipe. I should go back and play it again sometime.
Never understood why some people always talk so much about their "breakthroughs"...we broke through the bathroom wall while drilling holes and that wasn't great at all.

And I've never valued mementos very much. I only got this fancy deed because of you, so even though you accidentally ripped it apart, it didn't bother me much...but I could clearly tell it bothered you a lot. Luckily you don't know how many mementos I tore and burned in my lifetime.

Lastly...that's definitely new.

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