BeyondShy said:No, that's fine. Sometimes its better to have a looking-in-from-the-outside perspective because that way you see both sides.
Hey, I know how I acted before. I was very cautious when I first got here even though I was joining a community that I thought had people that felt the same way I do about things and that meant how you felt about yourself and how you interacted with others. And in a sense I feel I found the right place.
But even though I felt I should have been "one of them" so to speak they never made me feel that way. People didn't ask me jackshit about myself but I saw them do it with others and right or wrong that got me more defensive.
You say people in here don't forget so easily? That's another thing I got in common with them because I have one hell of a memory. I don't know if that is a blessing or a curse.
BeyondShy said:There is a lot of phony niceness in here Rodent. I don't know if you have seen it or not but something tells me you have. I have never learned to play that game properly. If you are not nice to me or you have just pretended to be nice to me like some people have I won't act like I don't know what is going on. Those people that have been decent with me I make sure to be that way back to them. I think that's the only way to be.
BeyondShy said:AmytheTemperamental said:That person with the stubbed toe is probably not out to bite people who wish them well.
Gee, thanks.
Rodent said:You were new here and that means casting away some of the bad experiences and going in with an open mind. I don't remember when exactly things started going downhill for you...just that it happened rather quickly once the ball got rolling.
Rodent said:When I got in here first I just put everything out there that could give a solid impression of me - a basis to either relate to me or dismiss me. I didn't mind people not asking questions unless they actually related. Some are just more accessible than others and I'm more of a venter/isolationist than a conversation starter anyway.
Paraiyar said:BeyondShy no one is out to get you but the fact that you think everyone wants to ends up turning people against you. Just try and relax on here and things will go better for you.
Paraiyar said:Triple Bogey and Amy were both trying to help you right now and you responded with hostility to both of them. My advice is don't ever do that, it will just end up hurting you and no one else.
Paraiyar said:I thought the "Shouldn't you be taking more photos?" line kind of sounded that way but because the "you sir are a dick" line got misquoted, I kind of thought it came from you. My bad. He probably shouldn't have said that but you did kind of start it and the response to Amy sounded sarcastic to me but if she's fine with it then fine.
Paraiyar said:Wasn't saying any of this to have a go at you.
AmytheTemperamental said:I didn't take it as hostile. No worries.
TheRealCallie said:Let's not get the biggest thread on the forum closed, please (wary)
beautiful loser said:Please tell me that you are really a 15 year old girl and it will ALL Make Sense to me!
Paraiyar said:Alright then, BeyondShy, I'll leave you be.