Well-known member
TheRealCallie said:Ugh, ROAR, meh, blah..........
Easy there Simba.
TheRealCallie said:Ugh, ROAR, meh, blah..........
kamya said:TheRealCallie said:Ugh, ROAR, meh, blah..........
Easy there Simba.
zibafu said:to improve technique you have to relax, everyone who starts out tries to use strength to punch and it ends up slow and weak, if you relax as much as, and just focus on being fast, techniques improve tremendously, lifting weights can help too, but its mostly about relaxation
TheSkaFish said:I miss my Skype friend.
Siku said:I keep putting others before me, and screwing myself over. Everyone's careless, inconsiderate, and short tempered around me and it's only provoking me to become a hermit right now. I don't deserve this crap I'm recieving that I wouldn't ever give out. Keep being told to surround myself with better people but all I see is, "Do unto others.." rarely ever applies and people in general suck...
Paraiyar said:TheSkaFish said:I miss my Skype friend.
It might be for the best man, maybe it's time you could put towards getting things done in the physical world.
Rodent said:Sigh...nope, you clearly suck at cooking if all you can do is stir ****.