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Rodent said:
TheRealCallie said:
I detest this color more than pink :club:

Yeah, the associations aren't exactly the most pleasant ones either.


Please don't turn out to be a waste. The two of you have the potential to grow up to be productive adults.
Don't choose drinking, socializing, tattoos while not having jobs and treating your parents like crap, over staying in school/getting a job and making something of yourselves.
Dative... Accusative... Nominative... Genitive...

Masculine... Feminine... Neutral...

EveWasFramed said:
Please don't turn out to be a waste. The two of you have the potential to grow up to be productive adults.
Don't choose drinking, socializing, tattoos while not having jobs and treating your parents like crap, over staying in school/getting a job and making something of yourselves.

This is what I was thinking too, only for myself.  I didn't choose those things, because I thought I knew better than to, even when I was a teen.  I didn't do those things for exactly the reason you gave - I didn't want to screw up my future and I didn't want to hurt those who cared about me.  I felt like I was thinking and choosing for myself instead of adopting the tired old "rebel" cliche, instead of mindlessly conforming to 15 minutes of being "cool" and a dead-end rest of my life, making my own choices instead of copying whatever Hollywood or the radio said a guy should be.  I always thought real confidence was knowing you didn't need to drink, smoke, swear, sleep around, be lewd, steal, put on a "dark" act, do drugs, fight, have tattoos, have the "right" (rich ********* or criminal) friends, imitate a "cool" culture instead of your real one, or treat your family badly. I saw through all that. I thought real confidence was knowing you are good enough as you are, just because.  I wasn't a sissy.  I thought I was doing the right thing.

And now, the guys that did all the stupid ****, the wrong, bad things that I felt I knew better than to do, got the pick of the lot while here I am, still dateless, despite meaning well and trying to be a good guy.

I'm sorry for poking my nose in your business.  I probably shouldn't have.  But after having spent the last several hours reading dating advice and feeling angrier than I have in a long time, then seeing this post right away, it just really hit home.
Read a lot about dating today, how people work and just got so angry. It really makes me start to believe that most people are terrible, most people are just ********. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm sick and tired of being single but it seems that because I don't know how to be "bad" and don't want to be even if I did, then I have to have EVERYTHING in my life together and it's still no guarantee of ANYTHING at all.
Reading reviews on recipes "this recipe is the best! I just had to change everything about it"
Jently said:
This internet is sooooooo slow today, everything's taking forever Grrrrr!



whoohoo looking on the brighter side of life and loving it.. ^.^
TheSkaFish said:
EveWasFramed said:
Please don't turn out to be a waste. The two of you have the potential to grow up to be productive adults.
Don't choose drinking, socializing, tattoos while not having jobs and treating your parents like crap, over staying in school/getting a job and making something of yourselves.

This is what I was thinking too, only for myself.  I didn't choose those things, because I thought I knew better than to, even when I was a teen.  I didn't do those things for exactly the reason you gave - I didn't want to screw up my future and I didn't want to hurt those who cared about me.  I felt like I was thinking and choosing for myself instead of adopting the tired old "rebel" cliche, instead of mindlessly conforming to 15 minutes of being "cool" and a dead-end rest of my life, making my own choices instead of copying whatever Hollywood or the radio said a guy should be.  I always thought real confidence was knowing you didn't need to drink, smoke, swear, sleep around, be lewd, steal, put on a "dark" act, do drugs, fight, have tattoos, have the "right" (rich ********* or criminal) friends, imitate a "cool" culture instead of your real one, or treat your family badly.  I saw through all that.  I thought real confidence was knowing you are good enough as you are, just because.  I wasn't a sissy.  I thought I was doing the right thing.

And now, the guys that did all the stupid ****, the wrong, bad things that I felt I knew better than to do, got the pick of the lot while here I am, still dateless, despite meaning well and trying to be a good guy.

I'm sorry for poking my nose in your business.  I probably shouldn't have.  But after having spent the last several hours reading dating advice and feeling angrier than I have in a long time, then seeing this post right away, it just really hit home.
Your comments are fine, Ska. No worries. 
However, just to clarify something for you...
As of yet, the two I refer to aren't "bad" kids. What they are is lackadaisical. No drive to do for themselves and expect things to be handed to them. They don't act like macho jerks and do drugs, etc. 
They're just choosing to blow off education and work (for the 18 year old). 
Unfortunately, if they stay on that path of not being responsible for themselves, they will either be a huge burden to their parents (their dad is 58) or a burden on society. There is no way around being a burden on someone else if you (not you, but people in general) don't suck it up and be responsible for yourself. Handouts are uncalled for. A hand UP is perfectly fine.
I don't ask for much. But if my 7 year old, with his head over the toilet puking and really thinking he's dying, has more drive in life than you...We aren't going to get very far. And I don't emphasize with the texts about how bored you are. I'm not wired that way. And you aren't going to convince me otherwise.