Serenia said:I can parent a teenage girl, I was one. A teenage boy being Dad to him as well as Mum will be interesting.
9006 said:Why do I love the sound of rain tapping on the window yet tear the place up when a tap drips? Weird.
Amelia said:What is this weird feeling of wanting company but at the same time not? Effed up feelings be lost!
ladyforsaken said:Can I handle another year?
Mr Seal The Albatros said:ladyforsaken said:Can I handle another year?
You? Yeah, I bet you’ll be able to manage it great.![]()
SolitudeAeturnus said:Also, to all the people here: If you want to not be so lonely, try to get out more often so you can possibly meet REAL people. Internet friends don't help much with loneliness.
Step away from that damn computer, and go outside. It's as simple as that.
VanillaCreme said:9006 said:Paraiyar said:9006 said:Why do I love the sound of rain tapping on the window yet tear the place up when a tap drips? Weird.
I did read once that back in the day, the sound of outside rain meant one was presumably inside somewhere and safe from outside predators which might have something to do with it. Who knows really though.
You mean like from a primeval time? My guess is how you link an emotion or memory with it, for example rain and stormy weather is relaxing to me so that would make sense, but a dripping tap is just a defect and always described as an annoyance in movies and cartoons (Erm... not that I actually watch cartoons). Physiologically this could make the difference.![]()
But yeah, you're right. It's all just speculation. lol
Maybe because you know you can't help the rain or storm, while a dripping faucet shouldn't happen? Rain and storms relax me, too. I get the best sleep while it's raining.
ladyforsaken said:9006 said:Why do I love the sound of rain tapping on the window yet tear the place up when a tap drips? Weird.
Hey, it's you. :0
lonelyfairy said:I hope you won't die... Otherwise I've no reason to live anymore.![]()