Some women, man. It seems like they change guys like a person changes a pair of socks. I don't know how people do it.
Actually I do know. It's hotness. That's one thing that allows you to pick and choose.
Still, I can't even imagine what it's like to live like that, where getting into a relationship whenever you feel like it, is stupid-easy. You will just never have to worry about being forever alone, or "getting a personality", "emotionally connecting", "having chemistry" or "being compatible", which seems like an endlessly complicated, never-ending, always moving list of things to do in JUST the right way, and just when you think you completed one thing, it turns out you did it wrong and/or there were things you were missing, and there are always more things being added to the list.
But when you just so happen to be the "right" kind of person, it's like people will be willing to work backwards with you - they'll start with the idea that you're compatible, and work backwards to find ways to make it work, or just fudge it and say it works and be done with it. Whereas with a normal person, you're guilty until proven innocent - you start at incompatible, and you damn well stay there, unless you manage to pull some kind of rabbit out of your hat that says otherwise, and you find that rabbit FAST. You're "out", unless you just so happened to be living and thinking the right way this entire time.
Not having to worry about that, must be like being a billionaire, where unless you do something royally dumb, you'll just never have to worry about running out of money. I just can't imagine what it would be like where anything I said, no matter how dumb or boring, is acceptable, and I don't have to think about how I come across at all. I wouldn't have to consciously try to make myself into anything, I could just be, and it would be good enough. Not having to worry about personality or chemistry/compatibility or the possibility of being alone forever, would be such a load off my mind. I mean, it wouldn't magically solve everything. But it would make my life better, by a LOT. It would be one less massive problem to worry about, and would free up my mind to focus on other things.
I don't know, I mean I know it does me no good to think about this. But still, how different a world some people live in, where something that seems astronomically hard for me, is so simple to them that they don't even have to think about it any more than they'd think about breathing, makes my head spin.
PS - please forgive the rant. Just my knee-jerk reaction to something on Facebook and I had to spit it out.