What are you thinking right now?

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i called out from work that i will not work tomorrow. its such a nice weekend. i wont work but ill earn money.. hahaha.. dad will pay me for the time i'll spent with him for tomorrows shopping trip! how cool is that.. i got shopping spree and salary from my dad!.
I was thinking...I hope my roommate stays at her boyfriend's house tonight
She smells bad and I don't like how she stinks up the bathroom...
Paperclip said:
I was thinking...I hope my roommate stays at her boyfriend's house tonight
She smells bad and I don't like how she stinks up the bathroom...
Oooh..if she smells bad I wonder how her boyfriend takes it.

I'm thinking I wish I can have the ability to make people feel better at least, even though I can't make their issues or worries go away.
I'm thinking about how talented I am of cutting my own hair..

I save some bucks, and most especially I saved my tears too.. I most likely cry whenever after I had my hair cut done from the salon.
I'm thinking about how i can hear my mother downstairs yelling at my dad on the phone..family.. ya

I'm thinking about how much I hate these stupid retared boys who talk nonstop about their dicks and stupid ****, when people are trying to study so loud i hate them, I really hate that about people, they are so noisy and inapropraite. I just want to hack it and their heads off!

I'm also thinking about I'm eating a peanut butter sandwhich, and charlie brown said that people who eat peanut butter sandwhichs are lonely

how very right you are charlie brown

well i gotta go now thanks for listening

Im thinking that im going to jump around the house listining to my heavy music :D

And yes ef91 i also hate guys like that, they probly just compensating for other things anyways so just ignore them :D
ashleigh_phoenix said:
im thinking....

why did i fall in love with him in the first place lol

We can't choose who we fall in love with:D

I'm thinking about how busy this semester has been, and I'm not sure I can keep up like this...:(
I'm thinking how it's hard to really get into a speed metal song when you've got a cat in your lap
evanescencefan91 said:
I'm thinking how it's hard to really get into a speed metal song when you've got a cat in your lap

hahahahhahaha oh i can only imagine! :D dont get to scratched now!! hehehe what song is it btw?

Im thinking i wana jump around the house for no apparent reason
ohh jumoing is fun, it was slayer skeleton christ pretty cool, but ya if I do make any kind of sudden movements they like to scrath my eyes out.

cats have problems too i guess

I was just browsing some women's forum. And everybody there has some crazy signatures like "our family is 18 years old...." then theres another girl 24 yearold and her signature says "our familt is 18 years old...." wtf she got married at 16?????????????????????????????????
****..how in the world is it possible to stay together for 18 years....
looking at all these family women, post after post...makes me sick
SadRabbit said:
I am missing her....and getting overly suspicious about her..... =(
Aww..sorry that you're feeling like this. Talking is always good to work things out, honestly. Hope it goes well between the both of you.
tomuchnothing said:
how I can go from being so happy to so sad just like that
Aww tmn, cheer up! *hugs*
Hope you'll feel better soon.

And...I'm thinking about him..and how he's doing, is he okay? I'm thinking how I just want to fly free lol to spend some time with him this coming break since everyone's going away for a holiday somewhere and I'm stuck here back at home :(
thinking about.. the chromosomes, chromatids, nucleic acid, cofactor, exons, introns, genetic factor, cytokinesis, G phase, S phase, mitotic, translation, DNA replication, polyribosomes, ressesive, dominant, allele.... a lot of things to think.... damn you chapter 4, there are plenty of words to memorize...... why is it has to be you gene and nucleic acid!...

tomuchnothing.. be my guradian angel.. whisper to me the answers ok!
toxic-tears said:
thinking about.. the chromosomes, chromatids, nucleic acid, cofactor, exons, introns, genetic factor, cytokinesis, G phase, S phase, mitotic, translation, DNA replication, polyribosomes, ressesive, dominant, allele.... a lot of things to think.... damn you chapter 4, there are plenty of words to memorize...... why is it has to be you gene and nucleic acid!...

tomuchnothing.. be my guradian angel.. whisper to me the answers ok!

hahahahahaha ok sure thing!!! although i know nothing about it im afraid.....

Ill just give you a goodluck hug *huuuuuuuuuuuuuuug*

Im feeling better today :D

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