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mintymint said:
Technically they can be referred to as the Northern Appalachian Mountains. But you're right. I should have said Berkshires :p

O RLY? I did not know that.

I learned something new today. :)
Alcohol makes people be really annoying/irritating and aggressive. It is bloody annoying. Thank god I have given up! I have to just watch others turn into twats now....
*hugs cheaptrick*

though I really don't pray very often and rarely actively I will give it a try

and gesh if someone hasn't even written a rough draft of their essay you'd think they'd be a lot less critical of mine.

incomplete sentences my as

hmm what is this interesting you speak of?

gesh it's like I need a textbook of the social etiquette the worst part is, they even have books on social etiquette

why the hell do people have to make it so complicated

man you know what sucks more than writing an essay

revising an essay


I want snacks D;

essays make me cry DX
Hope you'll like it (-doubt it lol -so why do you post it?? -hmmmm)
I can't believve the huge standards for the word intermediate

on saturday I am going to have to attempt to try bike 50 miles

:O :O :O :O :O

okay nowhere in the sign up page did it say we going to 50 miles in one day


oh the shenanigans i get myself into

well if you don't hear from next week, that's probably what happened, but man it sucks they won't let us wear headphones the sick audacity they have D;

it's hanous biking without music is like dying very slowly D;
Why can't I cry?

This sucks. I shouldn't have chosen to walk for graduation. What's the point if she can't be there?
my mind is chaotic, I keep trying to get on track with a train of thought but noooo I just can't concentrate

this isn't necessarily a negative thing
man getting off the internet is hard

it's like i have no will power of my own


yes internet i will do you bidding for you are the perfect combintation of information and entertainment with o so pretty lights

i want nothing more than to never have to leave you a never ending stream o things to do, there shall never be a blank webpage,

ohh how i wish to spend eternatity if not the remander of my life with but oh not with you a part of you


okay ya i would be worried if i didn't write the same thing about a year ago, my addiction has plattoed toto say the least, ahh sleep vs internet it is a fierce battle

good night


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