In unison as if making a mad dash for the finish line after a long marathon.
Her " U can throw down pretty good"
Me [ winked ]
Her " I'll probably kill if another"
Me [thinking]
Her" you're thinking about ur ex-wf arn't ya? That's becuase she's probably the best pussy U ever had"
Me " U think so...."
Her " I'd probably kill the bitch. And **** you !!!!!
Me "hahahaaaaa"
Her " you're very sweet and kind. Nothing like my ex-husband"
Me "thank you, you're very beautiful"
Her " I know I'm hot and sexy"
Me [thinking] at least U have a sparkle in ur eyes and a very smexy walk, now.
" I hope you had fun"
Her "I had alot of fun. Lets do it again" daghter Kelsie finally got a hold of me yesterday.
You never stop being a daddy no matter how old they get.
She needed to talk to me about many, many things in life
and had been trying to get in contact with me.
I'm glad I can be there for her and help her through whatever...
So, she asked me where the hell I've been, what I've been doing, and how I'm doing.
My reply " Bussied swettie, I need to get some rest thought. U know how old people are