ahh on the interwebs fun last few days despite the fact i was moving the very next day I had to work till close and stay up till 4 to finish packing well we got it all moved in and I organized my room have to get some nails and sticky tact to put some posters and such,
for some reason our internet isn't working which is sad,

so we're at the imu,we came down to campus becuase we hear people were hanging out so we wait 20mins for the cambus, and then ah man when we finnial get on the bus i find out no1 is comming so sad
oh well
hopefully we can get someone to fix the internet
i just realized I have find out what my schedual for this week is since classe start in 2 days
oh yay i have 4 classes on monday *tear*
2 on tuesday
4 on wendsay *sSOBS* D;
one on thrusday
and 2 on friday ya
soo you can tell what day it is by the tone of my posts
anyways we got 2 bedrooms and some food I just hope my dad sends the checks in tine
I recnenty found out he pretty much tried to stiff a couple of nuns out of a hundred bucks
ohhh my well
*breathes* let's see how this year goes