ohhh * hugs jaythemagnificent*
I hate it when that happens some people are just *****
and houston we have INTERNET !!!! WOOOT
it took a while to get the internet in the aparment working, and then we're trying to hook upp some wi fi some time dude this place only has one ethernet outlet what the ****!? well the apartments were built in the 60s ( really old and lame tile pattern in the bathroom, which by the way I'm still weired out by having a bathroom that doesn't require keys that I'm sharing with a roomate)but still
so for now we're taking turns on thee internet good god what is this the 1990s !?
I don't want to jinx myself but even after a year my $300 walmart laptop is still working fabulously XD
much better than tthat printer evil printer bastard gonna have to go get a new one
lols now that we have internet things are going to get a lot more disorganized. yay we have our kitchen that we are going to have to clean
well as long as well don't run out of paper towels or napkins ( swipped a ton of them from quiznos, but I do feel kind of bad taking advantage of the free napkins since I've worked in fast food, but thee moocher in me lives on still)
got my books today, and got to see a few friends at daum

which was fun,
I might be going to target supposedly their giving some **** away for free for the start of the semster I'll see if some other people are going