very very sad that i am losing my guitar to the pawn shop. its not just any guitar, its so special to me.
i was making the monthly payments to keep it in until January when i'd be able to afford the whole balance and take it back home, and i went in yesterday to make the smaller monthly payment and he told me he is closing his business and i would need the whole large amount by Thursday and that's that.
i don't have it. crying emoticon.
this guitar means alot to me, crying emoticon.
aside from that i recently found out that an invention i was working on is basically completed by others. yes, i knew if i am thinking of something, there ares billions of others in the world thinking it too. but seriously, this guy is soon to be making millions of dollars. its not about the money, but the money would've been nice too, i apologize, i admit it. my very idea.
but the good thing is, the important thing is what it will do so. regardless who finished the final prototype first, as long as it works that's great!
but still anyways
bye guitar

i can't let it go, i've got to save him!
i have one more chance. and its very slim.
there is another pawn shop across the street. i have money but only for the mortgage, and it has to go to the mortgage.
but. if if i call the owner of the pawnshop across the street and explain my situation, and beg him to take it for the same amount. i could switch it around and still pay the mortgage.
but, he would have to agree to something over the phone without actually looking at it.
its Fender Strat that was even signed by Aerosmith. its worth waaaaay more than what i would be asking him for. waaaaaaay more.
even without the signatures, its worth waaaaaay more than the amount asked for.
to me the loss of money isn't the problem. its emotion.
i need to get it out!
a pawnshop owner making a deal over the phone seems to be unheard of but its my only chance.
i am now frantically searching for my certificate of authenticity.
i have 1 day.