What are you thinking right now?

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Hello 'What are you thinking right now?' thread,

Today wasn't good. Why? I don't know,
Maybe everything is great and I just don't know it.
That could be it . . . maybe?

I feel like sleeping, but i'm not tired. I just want everything to go away for a long time.
I don't feel like going out this weekend, but I don't want to burn bridges and make stupid excuses.
I have very few left . . and what will I be without my bridges?
A lonely bastard.
And that would be bad . . I think.
Maybe it wouldn't.
I mean, sooner or later i'm gonna push away everyone in my life . . why not just do it now and get it over with.

Well I guess that answers my question.
I will drink tonight,

I'm actually slipping out of my deep winter depression, things are on the up and up. I prolly don't have to go thru the trouble of moving again (as my neighbour from hell has returned to whence he came) and involve myself in yet another paper war what with having to notify everybody where to send their next bills (and frankly, the postal service in this country can be pretty horrid at times- I got the mail of the last tenant for six to nine months after moving, even with having made it abundantly clear to the postal office that he doesn't live here anymore)- er, where was I? Oh yes, good times comin', I feel it in my bones.

I recently got green light on my thesis or whatnot and general positive reviews from the judges present on my work, so I'm expecting my papers anytime in the next two months. The only thing that bothers me is how lonely I feel. Bummed out since I got nobody to talk to anymore. One long-time acquintance hasn't been talking to me anymore, I'm wondering if I managed to spook her or fail to live to her expecations when I met her last summer. Also wondering if I should throw myself back into the internet dating whatnot again come spring. See how that turns out. Last year was a startling success with accumulated date count of one as opposed to the usual zero.
I am so happy to get on that plane tomorrow night..

Sometimes women can be such catty little *******, and i become disappointed in myself to rising to their bait. It's not like these women mean much to me anyways.
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccck (d) . . .
can't ******* sleep.

Keep thinking of this one missed opportunity with some girl.
I am stupid . . lol . . . *facepalm*
Oh well, i'm sure it wouldn't have been that great anyways.
Or it would have been great . . . ****, (literally ;)).

Hmm, what else to say.
I duno what to do, I have to do SOMETHING with my life.
Maybe i'm just lazy . . . or maybe there's something wrong with me.
Hopefully once I get another job . . things will get a bit better.
I should be staying positive, but thing won't get better.
It's alright,
I'm used to disappointment.

And I hate feelings,
And I hate how certain people are so likable,
Wish I could turn 'em off.
Because I doubt she feels the same >_>
And even if she did . . . i'd be too afraid to do anything,

I wish I didn't have all these stupid problems,
But feeling sorry for myself wont' change anything,
I hate these 'feel sorry for myself days' . . . oh yeah light a joint or drink some alcohol and you'll forget all about it.
That's what I'm always thinking . . but I always end up feeling worse . . and hating myself even more for doing it.
Like how I am right now.

I wish I could be more normal . .
But i'm always afraid of idiotic stuff that will never ever happen.
I hate it.
But tomorrow i'm not gonna do a thing different . . cos i'm tired of fighting.
I hate this situation, but I guess things could be worse.

That is all,
Sorry for the essay . . but i'm not really, cause no one reads this anyways.
i'm thinking that i'm tired of being pushed around by bullies and terrorized by mobs and i am ready to stand up to them. they're so stupid and i can't take it anymore.
*hugs sean*

gah internet come on, I've been disconneted for the past couple days, and I was able to get on today, but it's been fizzing in and out if you know what I mean, it's not a very stable conection

it's too bloody cold to do my laundy, why did they have to make this a stupid outdoor complex, so you have to go outside and walk like 2 blocks to get to the laundry room,


stupid laundry,

but it's not really one of those chores you can get away with not doing :(

but other than that man winter break has been great, I wish it would last longer classes start one tuesday :(

I wish break would last longer, then I could get more money too
evanescencefan91 said:
*hugs sean*

gah internet come on, I've been disconneted for the past couple days, and I was able to get on today, but it's been fizzing in and out if you know what I mean, it's not a very stable conection

it's too bloody cold to do my laundy, why did they have to make this a stupid outdoor complex, so you have to go outside and walk like 2 blocks to get to the laundry room,


stupid laundry,

but it's not really one of those chores you can get away with not doing :(

but other than that man winter break has been great, I wish it would last longer classes start one tuesday :(

I wish break would last longer, then I could get more money too

I dislike both, the cold, and doing laundry.
(hug) :D - thanks.
np i hope things get better sean

*hugs misa*

bullies, suck, stand up to them if you can


I'm also thinking yesh I found enough spare change for the bus tomorrow awesome
hung out with a weird guy from sudan in the laundry room,

he juts moved in and I helped out with some of his stuff

and he was into me,


got a little creepy he was like let me give you my number and ect, nothing happened though so I just said my laundry was done and i left,

another random guy next to me on the bus started talking to me a whole bunch yesterday,


why is it always the men, I mean thanks it's very flattering,

but where are all the hot women when this happens

OMFG the apt looks so beautiful and shiny now

and all it took was an ungodly and hazardous amount of bleach


it'll be gone by tomorrow,

but it just looks so freakin shiny

*sighs* i am so lost inside my head sometimes. i worry about where this loneliness will take me.
- How pretentious and stupid my username sounds

- I haven't eaten properly

- A particularly messed up situation i've landed myself in

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