ya the earthquake was in salem illinois. But it could be felt here, in CR IA and we really don't get earthquakes, so it was kinda differnt. The first one was at like 4:30 this morning, and it woke me up. i had a videogame controler sitting on a desk, and the wire was hanging off the edge and it kept tapping againgst the wall. I could feel the shake and i heard the rumbling. I knew it could have been an earthquake but i just thought i was maybe going crazy or something, but some kids at school also said that they felt it and it had been an earthquake. I just thought it was cool that had experienced it, becuase it doesn't occur in the midwest very often. And ya the news site said there was another one around ten. the first one was at 5.2 on the richter but iwas at school and i diddn't notice the 2nd one. Someone in northwestern Kentuky said it caused their windows to shatter.
i was also thinking that before i post this, i had 777 posts kinda cool
i was also thinking that before i post this, i had 777 posts kinda cool