Oh dear so tired, I did so much today, got up at 7:30 to go to work had to work another hour which was lame
signed up for classes still couldn't get the electives I really wanted CURSES!!!
but so far pretty good want to get them ok'd with adviser
but dude
Geography of Asia: Japan to Pakistan
Geography of Health
Apps in Environmental Remote Sensing (forgive me future self D
Introduction to International Relations
and a few one credit electives,
but ya dudes not friday classes and nothing before 11am
came home then ate a sandwhich took too short of a nap worked out, did laundry
watched some buffy with friends,
went out for sandwhiches,
lols adopted a stragler drunk girl who lost her keys kinda sad, we walked her back to her dorm, back to the bars to look for her stuff,
then back to another place where she had a friend she could crash with,
hope nothing terrible happens my friend wanted her to just stay in her dorm, but she was deadset on questing for her keys and stuff
I've never been in that situation before,
anways came back watched more buffy

and tried some arizona tea, eh ok dpeneding on the flaver
sleeping in tomorrow
and dude's
freaking check this out
oh soo tired now
I hope I can finish everything that need to over break