many, Many, MANY things, unlike usual when I have nothing going on my head which is essentially like a vacant parking lot most of the time -.-'
I wish I had a laptop

Damn internet gets cut off every night now, last night it was while I was sending an email -.-'
Maybe watch more Ghost Hound soon...
Skyward Sword in a halfhour, I guess
If I don't get any sleep tonight, someone WILL pay for it -.-'
New phone... or some more games.... new phone... old games, damn birthday is tomorrow and I still dont know what i want -.-'
Maybe get new headphones if I get enough money -.-'
He gets up, he falls downs, he wishes he could find the courage to end it all now....
Bowling with good 'ol Alex and my sis, hopefully, should be fun, I guess..
And now I get called 'Orsky' by more people... -.-'
Might as well run with it xD