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Wow. I always think my kid is abnormally polite and sweet, but after a few hours with other little people, I KNOW she is.
haha man I just love how appreciative drunk people are of me, they just fill me up with the warm and fuzzies

well I finished all the extra assignments

I've got a 73% in rhetoric I got a 9/10 on my campous event elvaluation
I also got a B on my last speech kick ass

although I feel like i didn't do as well on my last speech ehh
i just threw it all together not really know what ni was doing gotta do one more essay before tuesday :(
studying my butt off for my cro final tomorrow :O

then next fir i have 2 last finals

I'm planning in tearing it up next wendsday,
i'm excited we're planning on getting free pie at the village, then I'm planning on getting my eyebrow pireced
then tearing it up at the gay bar, which i have actually yet go to at all this year,kinda lame oh wel

by the way
STUPID ******* 21 LAW
suuure don't pass it for my sister but as soon i as turn 19, oh no we can't let claire have any legal fun nooo

i blame the drunks
well not really but
god damn it why'd you guys have to ruin it for me :(
nerdygirl said:
Wow. I always think my kid is abnormally polite and sweet, but after a few hours with other little people, I KNOW she is.


Oh my Christ am I tired, but this is so worth it. Tonight will be pizza and movie night and the girls so thrilled to be able to show off their pizza-making skills to Alison. I have no idea how we're all going to agree on a movie though.

Also: I need coffee stat.

One last note: I am terribly stoked to go out for Indian food for lunch. :D
Thinking of taking a break and watching something I've already seen before.
I wonder whether Tokein in writing Lord of the Rings was as sombre and dispirited as Robert Howard writing Bran Mak Morn. I think Bran Mak Morn darker
I think that trolls and ogres and their diminutive counterparts, elves, dwarves and goblins and hobbits in fictional mythology are passed down memories of our ancestors meeting the other versions of men before they died out. The squat Nederthals and the diminutive homo Erectus.
Maybe though as seen in Africa the basin of all life, we see the difference in the average height of the Zulu and the average height for the Pygmies. Maybe such encounters by traveling tribes met similar encounters.
OMG tired. But this visit has been so much fun. Life will get back to the normal kind of chaos this afternoon.

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