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well isaw my score on my final test 49/100
ouch DX

but i've yet to see my final grade anywhere, still wating for a reply back from my proff

the tension the suspense


well although i don't know how he'll be weighing the final

but from my calculations is everything is how it stands on icon i got .62
and around a .68-.70 for extra credit

by the way i feel like getting a drink at the c sotre i cna't afford both, should i get a blue gatoade or a xxx vitamin water

i'm feeling the vitamin water
well i got my grade back with the extra creidt i got a low C


well i didn't fail


now let's see it is now one am and i have a pargraph for my rhetoric essay

life is pretty good right now :)

i still have this horrible gut feeling that i'm slipping though...
just biked across campous at 3am in the rain

tgat's right it's ******* finals again

but i totally just scored some free cold pieces of cheese pizza small bag of chips coffee and some coffee

things that I always seem to inadvertently do while writing an essay about copyright
learn about quantum physics, neurotoxins, psychiatric diagnostics and mehendi

GAHHH I need literary advice!!

Literary inclined people please help

how much I just want to go out and party,

I want to go to a rave man I haven't been to a rave in five years

I just want tear it up, like everyone else on my floor has been doing every thursday friday and saturday of every week :(

neither me nor my friends have the time D;
stupid finals.

and while I'm at I'm completely mortified of making a fool of myself and everything going to **** again
every conversation is a chance for something horrible to happen

eh while I'm at it

* imaginary raves*

unch unch unch unch


is trying not to have a panic attack
OH Dear God My Life!!
*feels faint*

ohhh this essay hurts my soulll D;

ohhh ch131 just posted a new episode of chuck


And the big bang theory


let the procrastination recommence
I think I ate too much guacamole, but it was delicious. I think I'm going to go on a detox diet again though. Starting, um, tomorrow.
it's been over five months since I've been "home"

heh spent nine months in this room.................

no ev don't get existensial!! Don't le---too late

what the hell am I going to do over the summer about next year??

summer job ya need a job, summer classses, um?

how much do i want to go home?

it feels like a differnt planet

if only i could go home without my mother being there
ahh now that would be the life


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