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Funny how I was thinking about you, especially having that weird dream. I really don't feel like you don't care. I just feel like you're so unsure about yourself that you're scared to relinquish any amount of control in your life because you don't feel like you have any. If that makes any sense. I'm sure it doesn't.
What a surprise, you just had to come out. This is just another example of why I don't want to be here anymore, and I don't know how else to put it to your son. I even told him I was uncomfortable here, and no concern seeped out of his pores in the slightest. It's really sad you feel the need to constantly try to put yourself in our time together. Congratulations, it worked, because I no longer expect you to not be an idiot.
ladyforsaken said:
I'm getting old. :(

No, you're still young Lady.  You're fine.

But me, I've been feeling that way lately a lot myself.

I almost exploded several times today.  I had to go off into a room or area by myself and vent aloud, I swore up a storm.  Things can be pretty frustrating around here sometimes but I have to remember that there's a lot of problems and things have been hard for everybody.  I hope we can all remember that in these trying times.
30 isn't old, not like it used to be considered anyway, but being a 20-something gives you a lot more slack when it comes to career and life direction that disappears once you turn 30.
im thinking i wish i didnt fear change so much and had some confidence in myself .every time a woman (or lady) has approached me on the beach to talk this week (i have a dog)  ive been too scared (pathetic i know) to get their number (ok its only happened twice this week) ,i sort of think im not good enough for them and if i do end up in a relationship or just friendship with them ,things will get complicated
its like im getting to a crossroads (like tom hanks at the end of castaway) and doing a u turn 
not on a big downer about it ,
next time maybe ............
thought I'd feel lonelier leaving someone one I've been with most of my adult life, but no...I feel so much lighter and freer. Was not expecting that...should have not let fear keep me there for so long...

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