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Kid writes, "The house was full of spider erections".

Thank you for making essay marking fun, kid. :D
ardour said:
Asked somebody out in unambiguous terms a about an hour ago. Response: "Dinner is fine but let's keep it casual and professional" + 'reasons' for wanting to remain single. I wasn't expecting anything other than this. At least I'm not left wondering what might have been.

That's so ******, man.  Some people are just stuck-up pieces of garbage.  I'm sorry.
TheSkaFish said:
ardour said:
Asked somebody out in unambiguous terms a about an hour ago. Response: "Dinner is fine but let's keep it casual and professional" + 'reasons' for wanting to remain single. I wasn't expecting anything other than this. At least I'm not left wondering what might have been.

That's so ******, man.  Some people are just stuck-up pieces of garbage.  I'm sorry.

Did you think that through?
Look... she's not stuck up for not finding me attractive, and I didn't want to imply anything like that. It's just the way it is. And this was also a friend...
TheSkaFish said:
ardour said:
Asked somebody out in unambiguous terms a about an hour ago. Response: "Dinner is fine but let's keep it casual and professional" + 'reasons' for wanting to remain single. I wasn't expecting anything other than this. At least I'm not left wondering what might have been.

That's so ******, man.  Some people are just stuck-up pieces of garbage.  I'm sorry.

This is exactly what I mean by people just telling others what they want to hear or how some people can't let go of their own bitterness to see that some things just are what they are and there is nothing cynical or bad about it. 

Where in ardour's post is there ANYTHING that would indicate she is a stuck up piece of garbage? 
First of all, she ACCEPTED his invitation, as long as it wasn't a DATE.  Second, she gave reasons why she wanted to be single, those reasons weren't stated here and they could have been perfectly logical reasons and there is NO reason to think that she is a liar. 

I don't want to date either, does that mean I'm lying to every person I tell that to?
ardour said:
TheSkaFish said:
ardour said:
Asked somebody out in unambiguous terms a about an hour ago. Response: "Dinner is fine but let's keep it casual and professional" + 'reasons' for wanting to remain single. I wasn't expecting anything other than this. At least I'm not left wondering what might have been.

That's so ******, man.  Some people are just stuck-up pieces of garbage.  I'm sorry.

Did you think that through?
Look... she's not stuck up for not finding me attractive, and I didn't want to imply anything like that. It's just the way it is.  And this was also a friend...

I got the arrogance vibe from it, a little.  I do think it's cynical because there are some guys that don't have that great of qualities and make no attempt to hide that they aren't really trying either, that always seem to get a "yes" whether it's careers, women, anything.  When I thought they were just better than me, I was beaten down inside - which I now see was a turnoff in and of itself and just fed the problem more.  Now that I think they don't, I'm angrier but I have a stronger belief in my worth.  

I'm a little arrogant myself.  But one of the differences is, having been bullied, I would never be one.  I'd rather be arrogant than just shrug and go along with someone acting like I am less than them, cause that makes me feel a whole lot worse about myself.
I figured that it bothered you enough that you posted about it.  So I thought I'd just tell you NOT to let this make you feel like you just suck, not to let this make you feel inferior.
ardour said:
Asked somebody out in unambiguous terms a about an hour ago. Response: "Dinner is fine but let's keep it casual and professional" + 'reasons' for wanting to remain single. I wasn't expecting anything other than this. At least I'm not left wondering what might have been.

Sorry about that. It's good that she was straight forward and sincere, but it's quite hard to take when you're faced with rejection. I hope she continues to be your friend, if that feels enough for you. Also hope it doesn't make you more discouraged to try another time, if you feel the same way about someone else in the future.

TheSkaFish said:
I'm a little arrogant myself.  

Even though your post has a bunch of red flags in my opinion, personally I find refreshing to see you admitting something like this about yourself. I'm glad you find ways to feel better about who you are - but it's always good to keep it in a realistic sense. Unfortunately, being bullied won't make you a beacon for humility - it just makes you someone who was in a bad phase in life, like we all go through at some point or another.

beautiful loser said:
Cavey said:
I'm always going to be cookie dough.

LOL..I worked with this girl that called me "cookie dough" as it was her endearment of choice.  I thought it was cute.  Kinda miss hearing it, to be honest.

What does it mean or where did she take it from? I'm truly curious now.
kamya said:
Cavey said:
I'm always going to be cookie dough.


beautiful loser said:
Cavey said:
I'm always going to be cookie dough.

LOL..I worked with this girl that called me "cookie dough" as it was her endearment of choice.  I thought it was cute.  Kinda miss hearing it, to be honest.

I feel obliged to explain...
DarkSelene said:

TheSkaFish said:
I'm a little arrogant myself.  

Even though your post has a bunch of red flags in my opinion, personally I find refreshing to see you admitting something like this about yourself. I'm glad you find ways to feel better about who you are - but it's always good to keep it in a realistic sense. Unfortunately, being bullied won't make you a beacon for humility - it just makes you someone who was in a bad phase in life, like we all go through at some point or another.

Eh, I might as well admit it if it's true.  I do think I'm above some things and I don't want to get categorized and forced into boxes that I hate, that make me feel like maybe I do just suck and maybe I can't do anything and any idea about moving up is all wishful thinking ********.  I'd rather be that way than like I was before, thinking that I was naturally inferior, a hopeless case and that was just my lot.  I like to think that there is some way I could be a high flyer, that I don't have to settle for less like a loser cause I don't want to be one.

I also feel that if I want some of these finer things in life (at least what I consider them to be), then I should try to cultivate an attitude that I am good enough for them. My arrogance comes from how I don't want to suffer anyone trying to tell me I suck anymore. I really hate it when people tell me that I can only get so far, or am only good for so much, and that's all I get - basically, to stay in my "league".

The problem I have with being realistic is that I feel like my old low self-image as someone prone to sucking and failure and that's just who I am, stuck at the bottom, IS what is realistic.  It just makes me feel like I can only get so far and probably not very, so whether I try my hardest or the bare minimum, it doesn't really matter. I look around and see lots of people like that and I fear that's what I am too, or else I would have had an easier time.

When I was humble, I thought I was below nearly everyone and I allowed myself to be treated poorly day in and day out for years.  Always being reminded that I was an outsider, didn't belong, "weird", an undesirable, that I suck at this and that, that being lower was inherent to who I was and not something I could change.  I didn't want to be treated that way but thought I didn't have the power or natural ability/talent to fight it.  I can only explain so much without you having been there to see what I mean, but I don't want anyone to think they can treat me like that and I'm just going to take it, ever again.
TheRealCallie said:
^^ so when do you think you'll be ready to have someone eat warm, delicious cookie you?

Sadly, as I said above, I'm always going to be cookie dough. I shall now cry myself to sleep...
Cavey said:
TheRealCallie said:
^^ so when do you think you'll be ready to have someone eat warm, delicious cookie you?

Sadly, as I said above, I'm always going to be cookie dough. I shall now cry myself to sleep...

Turn the heat on so you can start baking :club:
TheRealCallie said:
Cavey said:
TheRealCallie said:
^^ so when do you think you'll be ready to have someone eat warm, delicious cookie you?

Sadly, as I said above, I'm always going to be cookie dough. I shall now cry myself to sleep...

Turn the heat on so you can start baking :club:

Is that you turning me into a cookie?
Cavey said:
TheRealCallie said:
Cavey said:
TheRealCallie said:
^^ so when do you think you'll be ready to have someone eat warm, delicious cookie you?

Sadly, as I said above, I'm always going to be cookie dough. I shall now cry myself to sleep...

Turn the heat on so you can start baking :club:

Is that you turning me into a cookie?

Quite honestly, cookie dough is almost better than a cookie.  So....I'm perfectly fine with warm or cold.  :D
"What are you thinking right now?"

Why some guy wants to know what I am thinking right now.

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