What Do You Despise?

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President Of Trevor Philips Industries
Nov 14, 2021
Reaction score
North Yankton
I despise ingrates. When my father was diagnosed with cancer and had maybe a year to live, he gave some of his best normal and power tools away to the neighbors. Everyone was very thankful except this prick who lived across the street. He was given a chop saw, a $200 ladder and a Dewalt drill. Not one week later this guy came over asking for more. I felt like slapping him silly.
Then get rid of your phone...and buy alot of canned food...and live in the woods...or, move to..Iceland? I don't know anything about Iceland
I despise loud, rude, arrogant people. The kind that go around thinking they’re hot **** and are happy to let everyone around them know about it.

I also despise people who have no compassion or empathy for others. We need a lot more kindness and understanding in this world.

^This. I couldn't have said it better myself.

In particular I don't care for the kind of people who act this way, out of a sort of toadying, ass-kissing behavior - the "poor Republicans" mindset, of people who are down and out themselves, but trying to boost their self-esteem by picking on people just as bad off as they are, in a lame attempt to align with the "strong" side. It's gross.

But I'm trying to distance myself from worrying about this stuff, trying to just avoid it or say "whatever" to it instead of get all mad. If they want to look like fools, it's not my problem. Got to be more careful about getting worked up over essentially nonissues.
I'm sure there are things I despise; but, what I really don't like is being angry, possibly for almost any reason at all.

I'd much rather be assertive and persistent when required, and compassionate, understanding, and unmoved when people behave in upsetting ways.

I feel anger to be a most vile thing, that robs me of the joy and beauty in this world, and for the majority of my life, it has been a very small feature in my overall general experience...

If my understanding is correct, the mental state of anger, is one that shuts down cortical function, and reduces one's ability to think critically. It can be an overwhelming emotion.

Fear and anger seem to be quite inter-related...

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