What game consoles do you have?

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Nokia N-gage lol.
I have played almost all except the newest gen and stuff like N64DD, JaguarDD, or that one console that never got released to the public.
If anyone is looking for a game console, i recommend a ps3. They are really easy to emulate and you can play any games of other game consoles. Very highly recommended
I have a Wii console, hacked for Homebrew and many games. I also use Retroarch to play many systems such as NES, SNES, Sega, Neo Geo, MAME and many others. I’m not a hardcore gamer but shooting aliens is fun from time to time.

The only ones I use nowadays are my Xbox One X and my PS4, though I do have I'd say about 15 other consoles.
Might jump into The Bard's Tale for PS2 after work.
I need some comedy, that game is full of it.
Totally forgot about it until recently.
Never played it but watched a friend of mine years ago and yeah it's funny.
I stopped at a PS 2. Playing the same PS 1 game for...well, ever. I'm old, lame...and awesome. Just because
I have had just about all these my first console was the Vic 20 and my last one was the 1T Steam Deck
Currently on the last level of 'life' on my brains console of miswired fantasies and warped realities that a developer got hold of and infected with a humongous trojon horse. (And added a worm for effect) I can't complete it needless to say

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