What is your weather like right now?

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Storms are rolling through. It dropped 20 degrees.
Matan I've been getting teased by these storms. It's only been sprinkling for a few minutes each day. I swear I should be seeing thunderstorms by now. The past couple days I've checked the weather on Google I get it should storm soon, but nah. Apparently I'll get it at midnight. I hope that's true.
Matan I've been getting teased by these storms. It's only been sprinkling for a few minutes each day. I swear I should be seeing thunderstorms by now. The past couple days I've checked the weather on Google I get it should storm soon, but nah. Apparently I'll get it at midnight. I hope that's true.
That's how it usually is for me too. Last month, there was storms on literally every side of me, but I was dry. Lol. Same way with snow, it always seems to skip me.
The British summer has brought us a mix of storms, sunshine, high winds and temperatures between 28 and 12 degrees, all in the span of a week.
100% would recommend.
Foggy. . . getting into the perpetually foggy season where you don’t see the sun for days, even weeks, at a time. I love fog, but the constant greyness for days on end gets wearing. Good thing I’m moving into the valley in a few short days where I’ll actually see sunshine.

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