Midnight. -_-...
I had a cat named Midnight when I was a kid.
I miss her now. I named her after a candy bar.

She had one green eye, one blue eye. and was mostly black but with white paws and a little white spot under her chin and on her chest was a white tapered patch.
Scrawny, active little thing that one, but she was also my lap cat.
Anyway, might as well make the best of it.
Something about the early bird and a worm, idk.
Might be able to dodge some of the rain if I do half of my grocery shopping at 5:30 - 6, half hour commute of a difference in time, dentist by 8, other store opens at 9, supposed to rain by 10.
Likely going to get caught in the rain, but well, damage control is a thing.
I try to keep a normal schedule of being up by 3:00 A.M, but oh well.
I'll sort it out in the next couple of days.