What's the best game you've played lately?

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:D I will commit the ultimate sin of actually liking FF8 :p . I loved tactics, a game where I can just play random battles and get all these super awesome classes. Granted I hate what they did to it with the PSP remake.
AFrozenSoul said:
:D I will commit the ultimate sin of actually liking FF8 :p . I loved tactics, a game where I can just play random battles and get all these super awesome classes. Granted I hate what they did to it with the PSP remake.

FF8 was my first rpg T-T I compare everything to it now, story & character wise. Even if nostalgia possibly clouds my memories of it, it'll always be one of my favourites!
Just Cause 2 - PS3

I played this game at a friends house back in 2010, when it was new and when I hung out with the friend. Was brilliant. Better then any GTA I've played. So I bought it. Until Fallout 3 and Motorstorm arrive, it's the only game on PS3 that I have x]
I play Guild Wars 2 and Quake Live. Nice contrast of pretty graphics and tranquility versus hardcore shooting people in the face at high speed.
guild wars 2, borderlands 2, torchlight 2, and (no life status) league of legends. torchlight 2 was, for me, a long awaited sequel to one of my top dungeon crawlers besides Diablo 2 and don't get me started on the failure that was diablo 3 *facepalm*
I just got a PS3 at Christmas and I've been playing Street Fighter x Tekken.
A game called "Drive Yourself Crazy". It must be a good game, because I keep going back to play some more........
I just started playing Legend of Grimrock which is quite similar to Ultima Underworld, really enjoying it got it in the Humble Indie bundle.
Elder scrolls IV: Oblivion, Guild wars (1 and 2), Final Fantasy XIII had a great impact on me (however i never played any other FF game), really liked Mirror's Edge as well.
ThisSideOfTheRainbow said:
A game called "Drive Yourself Crazy". It must be a good game, because I keep going back to play some more........

Hope you feel better soon. :( And rofl at your sense of humor about it :D
Since my computer is as powerful as a rusty toaster from the 90s I can't play all the new high-end stuff (Skyrim Q__Q)
I quite enjoyed the kind-of-recently released indie game "Thomas was Alone" though.
Usually I'm a retro gamer and I did waste some time playing good RPGs, like Final Fantasy IV for example. Don't get me wrong but I really enjoyed retro games a lot more than modern games these days.
Truback said:
Usually I'm a retro gamer and I did waste some time playing good RPGs, like Final Fantasy IV for example. Don't get me wrong but I really enjoyed retro games a lot more than modern games these days.

I'm trying to play Xenogears and Chronos Cross, but unforutanetely I live in a PAL territory. Maybe a NTSC PS1 bought from Ebay would be the solution. Luckily the TV is 60hz.
Been playing a text based RPG called "Legend of the Green Dragon".

Never toguht I would be so hooked on it. It's actually pretty cool.

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