Anten said:
This guy is just useong his profile to pick up chicks. There is no reason to care about this guy.
I once got rejected by an online chick and it only set me back 2 days tops.
yes he is but that the only social networking site he using he has another to pick up russian women which are his favourite .
i care because his life better then my own .he called himself stud which was mean thing to do .he called me old and cougar which was also very mean too . he going to be 24 years old this year .
people say people closer to my age where do they think i live new york .
i live rural Ireland what ever are around you are the only you have i can't pick and close its not like pick clothes from clothes rack
he never gets rejected and he knows that why he throwing in my face
becasue i am older i had no one.he had all advantages i had none he did not care .
i am not cold blooded male .i have too feeling old or not
he doesn;t any women over 25 years old where he lives it 1 year old to 24 years old he has been collage and school all his life he used people his own and age and no older fact . he never left to school work any where for year its school and collage not much else .
he has imaging any way . by Ireland stratdard he idiot by making such shallow remarks . most guys say i have girlfriend and i am not interstsed never say what he said the Irish lad can be very nasty believe me i know
no matter he goes the world he loved by women all over the world he knows it too