Hmmm... My break down of why marriages are either in peril, or end.
1. Children. "We HAVE to make this work, for them." Many people live in fear that the person they are with will ditch them because they are pregnant, or the idea of someone coming into the home and heart who may not treat them and their children right.
2. "It's the right thing to do". Many marriages feel forced, due to "have to" ideas. You don't HAVE to. I know someone who has a spouse... For 15 years... Never married. They aren't married. They don't feel the need to. Just because someone says "Well your family is a part of ________ religion, you should do it for them." Are you marrying them? Uh... no. No you are not.
3. Communication. It's like, omg lol txt u xoxo crap. (I'm 20) my generation and the next have/will grow up in the technology age where face to face is not needed. We do need social interaction to make things work. Texting/typing does not vent out, or explain as well as a face to face talk does. Why? Because of tone. I CAN TEXT LIKE THIS AND PEOPLE WILL BE OFFENDED. (Or won't read pages of CAPITAL LOCKS!!!). In person, that TEXT MESSAGE is better "read" with your body signals, and your tone.
4. Beating around the bush. Goes hand in hand with communication. I understand I do it too... So do you!

Want something done? Ask. Don't play "you can totally read my mind" crap. I would not want to be a mind reader. I am pretty sure I'd have laid some good fists into faces if I did. -.-
5. Stress. Face it. We cannot handle stress. Money, children, pets, community, travel, transportation, sex or lack of, communication or lack of, etc. Without communicating, stress becomes unbearable and things are said or done that were not meant and should not have happened!
6. Dark secrets. Secrets are okay. I mean, we all have them. We don't tell each other things we do or don't do for every step of our day. Why would we? Do you really care if your spouse farts in the bath tub (when alone preferably...)? Probably not

But certain secrets, especially those we hold back from ourselves, or that still cause us haunting grief/memories... You need a support system. Let them be there. Someone hurt you, or you did something bad... It eats away at you. If they love you, they will make sure whatever happened won't happen, and that they are there for you. Understand certain things (rape, or pedophile behavior in the past) may cause issues, but if you are willing to seek help, and let them support you in the choice of advancing in your life to seek that help - all the power to you.
7. Sexual. Relationships alone are shoddy, when all there is is sex. nothing in common. Girl would love a dance partner, guy wants to game all day. Does it work? Probably not. He may be content. She may not be! Or vice versa. Or both feel something lacking! Know the person... Not just the insides.
8. No spark. No real connection. Sometimes it feels like a friendship, nothing more. No love, no feeling.
9. Attitude. Some men (and women) stress themselves with "what if". What if they leave? What if they are not satisfied? What if this marriage does not work? What if? If you let yourself become negative... You drag everyone down.
10. My favorite: Cheating. Probably has to do with one or more of the other 9 things (cannot believe I thought of 9 things) I mentioned. Seeking something elsewhere, ending up in a situation that should not have happened. Feeling enticed by another individual. Somehow, something free and unowned seems so much more appealing?
With all these, it really comes down to commitment. Without working things out beforehand, you cannot actually commit. Why would you? You're angry or frustrated, stressed and tired... Add marriage (especially the wedding and planning...) into that, you send yourself down a spiral of doom.